Results of the 2024 Call

93 new grant projects funded in the 2024 call:


55 team projects

Principal Investigator Project Title Institution
Aivar Kriiska A millennium-long settlement crisis? In-depth archaeological and geoarchaeological studies of the final Stone Age and the Early Metal Age (2500 BC to 500 BC) in Eastern Baltic University of Tartu
Andreas Kyritsakis Atomic scale dynamics of surfaces under high electric field University of Tartu
Anna Volkova Next-Generation District Heating: Enhancing Sustainability through Multi-Level Energy Cascades and Decentralised Renewable Energy Sources Tallinn University of Technology
Anton Rassõlkin Advanced Digital Tools to Accelerate the Development of Software-Defined Electric Vehicles Tallinn University of Technology
Bin Liu Ecotypic adaptation mechanisms of coastal and inland forest tree species to heatwaves in Northern Europe Estonian University of Life Sciences
Eero Vasar Metabolic and genetic signatures of the dynamics of first-episode psychosis: associations with adverse effects of antipsychotic treatment University of Tartu
Eneken Laanes Memory and Environment: The Intersection of Fast and Slow Violence in Transnational European Literatures Tallinn University
Eve Runno-Paurson Development of strategies to mitigate the vulnerability of potato to pathogens under changing climate conditions in Northern Europe Estonian University of Life Sciences
Fedor Rozhanskiy Advanced description of minor Finno-Ugric languages with intricate phonology-morphology interface University of Tartu
Heikki Junninen Aerosol processes in atmosphere during changing climate conditions University of Tartu
Helger Lipmaa Modern Cryptographic Techniques University of Tartu
Huber Flores GENIE: Foundations of Generative Calibration for Low-cost Pervasive Light Sensing University of Tartu
Ilona Oja Açik All inorganic semi-transparent thin film solar cells for solar windows and indoor photovoltaics Tallinn University of Technology
Ivika Ostonen-Märtin Effects of management, climate and land-use change on forests belowground – short- and long-term shifts in soil organic carbon stocks and fluxes University of Tartu
Ivo Fridolin A Novel Technology for Personalized Optical On-line Monitoring of Middle Molecular Weight Uremic Toxins Removal in Hemodialysis Tallinn University of Technology
Ivo Leito Measuring acidity at phase interfaces University of Tartu
Jaak Truu Microbial ecology of plastisphere in interconnected aquatic ecosystems University of Tartu
Johann Langemets Extreme phenomena in Banach space geometry: small and big slices and their applications to Lipschitz-free spaces and their duals University of Tartu
John Alexander Davison Estimating fungal niches to understand community assembly and responses to environmental change University of Tartu
Jörg Dr Pieper Real-time structural dynamics in cyanobacterial photosystems University of Tartu
Kaido Tammeveski Development of high-performing electrocatalysts for polymer electrolyte fuel cells, zinc-air batteries and electrolysers University of Tartu
Kaire Innos Addressing inequities in cancer: register-based approach to understand mechanisms and develop solutions National Institute for Health Development
Kairi Kasearu Reinforcing Societal Resilience through Securitization University of Tartu
Kaja Kasemets Novel synergistic antifungal nanocomposites for biomedical applications: efficient, safe and sustainable by design National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics
Karin Sein Protecting Consumers in Consumer Credit Contracts in the Financial Crisis University of Tartu
Kaupo Kukli Heterostructures of wide-bandgap oxide semiconductors with tunable phase composition University of Tartu
Krista Alikas Methods, Traceability and Validation of the In-Water Ocean Color Measurements University of Tartu
Kristi Huik The Role of Virome in Development of Microbiota and Sepsis in Preterm Neonates University of Tartu
Lauri Vares Smartly designed chemically recyclable high-performance polymers via photocyclization of bioderived building blocks University of Tartu
Lili Milani Next-generation pharmacogenomics: systematic integration of genetics, physiology, and drug-drug interactions (PGxOMICS) University of Tartu
Maido Remm Computational Methods for Fast Identification of Antimicrobial Resistance Profile From Metagenomic Samples University of Tartu
Margus Varjak Viral capsid protein interactome in cells University of Tartu
Margus Viigimaa Medication Adherence and Treatment Efficacy in Patients with Dyslipidaemia and Achievement-oriented Novel Patient Digital Support Tallinn University of Technology
Monika Suškevičs Transformative Impact of Citizen Science on Environmental Governance: a systematic analysis of Perspective and Pathways Estonian University of Life Sciences
Oive Tinn Biotic perturbations from the Late Ordovician to the early Silurian in Baltica: macro- and microecological changes associated with extinctions and recoveries University of Tartu
Osamu Shimmi Microtubule-mediated cell protrusion networks direct three-dimensional tissue morphogenesis via intercellular transport of signalling molecules and organelles University of Tartu
Pille Taba Unveiling early links between idiopathic polyneuropathy and Parkinson’s disease University of Tartu
Piret Paal ARS MORIENDI ESTONIA 2030: a medical anthropological and linguistic study to improve death literacy University of Tartu
Piret Pikma  Getting over the hump – adsorption model from ionic liquids University of Tartu
Reet Karise Risks and benefits arising from food resources in agricultural landscape for honey bees: a model based approach Estonian University of Life Sciences
Žanna Pärtlas Ethnogenesis of the Seto People and Their Cultural Relations with Eastern Finno-Ugrians in the Light of Ethnomusicological Data Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre
Tanel Tenson New Tools for Developing Antibacterial Therapeutics University of Tartu
Targo Kalamees Climate Resilient Renovation to Achieve Future-proof Buildings Tallinn University of Technology
Tiit Kutser Unlocking the secrets of carbon cycle in the aquatic ecosystems University of Tartu
Timo Kikas Unlocking Lignocellulosic Biomass for Lignin-based Drug Intermediates and FDCA Production Estonian University of Life Sciences
Tomi Sebastian Koivisto Space – Time – Matter University of Tartu
Toomas Haller A New Methodology for Predicting the Onset of Chronic Kidney Disease, Its Subtypes, and Disease Trajectories University of Tartu
Toomas Tammaru Evolution of thermal traits in insects: a comparative-ecological approach University of Tartu
Torben Lange Study of Higgs boson pair production and the trilinear Higgs boson self-coupling with the LHC Run 3 and beyond National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics
Tõnis Timmusk Gene Regulation in Intellectual Disability and Autism Spectrum Disorders With the Emphasis on Disease-Associated Transcription Factors TCF4, SATB2, FOXP1, and Neurotrophic Factor BDNF Tallinn University of Technology
Uku Tooming Imagination in Cognition: Contemporary and Ancient Perspectives University of Tartu
Vallo Tilgar The role of gut microbiome in facilitating evolutionary adaptations to changing environments University of Tartu
Veiko Uri Effect of different management methods to carbon budget in pine stands on well drained organic soils. Estonian University of Life Sciences
Vesal Vojdani Explainable Verification University of Tartu
Vitali Nagirnõi Novel light emitters based on partially disordered functional materials University of Tartu


22 starting projects

Principal Investigator Project Title Institution
Aki Harima The Digital-Physical Hybrid Architecture of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: Multi-Level Analysis Tallinn University of Technology
Alberto Sola Leyva Understanding the molecular basis of female poor reproductive outcome (LOTUS: femaLe reprOducTive sUcceSs) Celvia CC AS
Catherine Helen Gibson Entangled borderlands: mapping intra-imperial connections for a new spatial history of the late Romanov Empire University of Tartu
Edgars Eihmanis Europeanization of green industrial policy (EUGRIP): how the EU’s new regulatory, fiscal and governance capacities shape decarbonisation in Eastern and Central Europe University of Tartu
Enrico Tordoni BIODECODE – decoding biodiversity changes in the Anthropocene through functional, evolutionary, and species interaction dynamics across the Tree of Life. University of Tartu
Heikko Kallakas Valorisation of Low-Quality Underutilized Hardwood Species for Innovative Biobased Engineered Wood Products Tallinn University of Technology
Helena Sork Bioinspired EV mimetics for the delivery of gene editing compounds University of Tartu
Ingrid Ruudi Built environments of care from the late Socialist to post-Socialist Estonia Estonian Academy of Arts
Juhan Saharov From Experts to Revolutionaries: The Role of Intelligentsia in Soviet Estonia and East-Central Europe during the Late Cold War University of Tartu
Kaire Loit Development of biocontrol methods against Phytophthora infestans using soilborne oomycetes and mycoviruses Estonian University of Life Sciences
Kristina Sohar Unveiling forest ecosystem dynamics: insights into climate change and human impact through tree rings University of Tartu
Kärt Mätlik The Role of Histone Bivalency and EZH1 in Neuronal Development and Function Tallinn University of Technology
Maris Alver Population-specific Prediction Models for Metabolic Syndrome and Treatment Response for Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder Patients Using Clinical Data and Electronic Health Records University of Tartu
Marju Himma Science Communication in Information Disorder (SCID) University of Tartu
Marta Berholts Elucidating the Sensitizing Mechanism of Cancer Radiosensitizers at the Molecular Level University of Tartu
Martin Jakoobi Developing homogeneous non-noble metal based p-H2 induced polarization transfer catalysts for NMR signal enhancement National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics
Pilleriin Peets Mapping the chemical space of natural biomes by combining non-targeted LC-HRMS datasets University of Tartu
Sander Ratso Novel methods for the study of molten carbonate electrolytes National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics
Shishir Sankhyayan Superclusters and Voids: Properties, Dynamics and Correlation University of Tartu
Tatevik Minasyan Laser Powder-Bed Fusion of Ni3Al-Based Superalloys for Turbine Blisks Tallinn University of Technology
Toomas Toomsoo Exploring NMR Biomarkers for Parkinson’s Disease Risk Stratification Based on Polygenic Risk Score Levels in Healthy Subjects and de novo Parkinson’s Disease Patients Tallinn University
Vladimir Kuts Human-Robot interaction via XR – the road towards Industry 5.0 across the manufacturing and healthcare domains. Tallinn University of Technology


16 postdoctoral projects

Principal Investigator Project Title Institution
Akmal Kosimov DASC-eMet: Dual-atom Site Catalysts for CO2 Electroreduction to Methanol University of Tartu
Anton Malmi The Articulatory Properties of Children’s Acquisition of Estonian Palatalization University of Tartu
Erwan Pennarun Feeding genomes to Deep Learning algorithms to detect diet-based local adaptation University of Tartu
Kadi Tulver The Cognitive and Neural Mechanisms of Mental Representation Restructuring University of Tartu
Kristel Panksep Mapping biodiversity hotspots of fish communities through environmental DNA: digging down to sediments and harnessing the power of long reads Estonian University of Life Sciences
Kristina Kiisholts Ex Vivo Reconstruction of Human Endometrium and Metabolic Adaptations in Embryo Implantation University of Tartu
Kristjan Müürsepp Phenomenological implications of fundamental theories of axions and how to probe them National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics
Madis Järvekülg Investigating the ’public value’ created by public service media for and with the music industries in Estonia and Finland Tallinn University
Mari Aigro MORE: Morphological Overabundance Realised in Estonian University of Tartu
Marili Sell The interactive impacts of drought and elevated atmospheric CO2 on tree nutrient acquisition and carbon capture University of Tartu
Mikk Vikerpuur  Numerical Approximations for Fractional Differential Equations and Related Topics University of Tartu
Peeter Tinits Cultural Evolution of Book Diversity in Europe 1600-1900: Popular Literacy, Secularization and New Written Language Communities University of Tartu
Ritums Cepītis Surface Curvature Effect Beyond Oxygen Electrocatalysis University of Tartu
Sander Varbla Improved Marine Geoid Modelling Through Data Assimilation Using Satellite Altimetry and Model Datasets /MarGeoid/ Tallinn University of Technology
Siim-Kaarel Sepp Unravelling the consequences and mechanisms of range expansions in plants by analysing aboveground-belowground ecological networks University of Tartu
Vlad-Julian Piljukov Understanding Protein Synthesis in Human Mitochondria University of Tartu