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Joint Research Centre seminar „Synergies between European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) & Research and Innovation Funding: The Stairway to Excellence“
March 11, 08:00 - 17:00
The development of Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3) requires that European regions and Member States identify a limited number of research areas and industrial activities with high innovation potential at the regional or national level. These strategies have to be implemented using European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF), which can also be combined with other types of funding. Supporting synergies between funding sources (also including COSME, ERASMUS+, and Creative Europe etc.) should deliver additional gains in terms of competitiveness in Horizon 2020 calls, innovation results that could contribute to closing the innovation gap in Europe and therefore promote economic growth, and overall have greater efficiency in the use of public funding.
The “Stairway to Excellence” project is centred on:
- The provision of assistance to Member States (MS) who joined the European Union since 2004 with the aim of closing the innovation gap and promoting excellence in EU regions and Member States;
- Stimulating the early and effective implementation of national and regional Smart Specialisation Strategies.
Objectives of the Conference
The principal objectives of this national event are:
- A better understanding of the Estonian national (and regional) innovation ecosystem(s) with a special emphasis on the identification of obstacles, barriers and potentials to innovation.
- Raising awareness of the actions needed to enable synergies between European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and other prog-rammes for research and innovation.
- Sharing experiences in combining Structural Funds and Framework Programmes (FP) (including Horizon 2020) to improve excellence in R&I systems.
- Drawing lessons for the future and identifying follow-up actions to enhance the potential synergies between different EU funds in Estonia.
Who should attend?
- Planned Participants: 50
- Estonian national and regional managing authorities (of ERDF, ESF, EARDF Operational Programmes) involved in the implementation of the Smart specialisation strategy.
- Estonian national contact points from the past Framework Programmes and Horizon 2020 and other EU-funded programmes.
- Estonian national and regional authorities in charge of smart specialisation strategies.
- Members of the Horizon 2020 programme committee.
- Selected national and international experts on EU funding programmes and regional policy.
- Selected representatives from businesses.
- Selected representatives from universities, research centres and other organizations with experience and/or interest in EU-funded programmes.
Organisers: European Commission, Directorate-General Joint Research Centre (DG JRC – S3 Platform) and the Estonian Research Council.