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Launching and Matchmaking Event of the Baltic Research Programme
October 25, 09:30 - 17:00
At the international launching and matchmaking event on 25 October 2018 in Tallinn, the objectives of the Baltic Research Programme will be introduced, and the researchers will get the opportunity to present their work and to network with potential consortium partners. The matchmaking event will support the identification of potential partners in the Baltic States and Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein.
Researcher working in Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein (senior or early career (PhD), being interested in the co-operation with the Baltic researchers under the Baltic Research Programme, can apply for travel grant by submitting the Travel Grant Form available here by 22 October 2018.
Travel and accommodation of the successful applicants will be reimbursed up to a set maximum amount of € 500 per person. Potential added value of the transnational collaboration will be the main evaluation criteria. Decisions will be communicated to the applicants at least two weeks before the event.
Participants from Latvia and/or Lithuania can apply for travel grant by contacting the relevant institution at their home country.
For further information, please contact:
Ms Katrin Piller katrin.piller@etag.ee
9:30 Registration and welcome coffee
10:00-10:30 Opening Adresses
– Mr Mikk Kasesalk, Deputy Secretary General, Ministry of Education and Research
– Mr Andres Koppel, Director General, Estonian Research Council
– H.E. Ms Cecilie Willoch, Norwegian Ambassador in Estonia
10:30-11:00 Baltic Research Programme’s implementation in Estonia
Ms Pille Pikker, Chief Expert, Ministry of Education and Research
11:00-11:30 Expectations for the first call launched under the Baltic Research Programme
Prof Martin Eisemann, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Member of the Programme Committee of BRP
11:30-12:00 Overview of the EEA/Norway Grants and a strategic basis of the Baltic Research Programme
Ms Birgit Jacobsen, Senior Adviser, Research Council of Norway
12:00-12:30 Experiences from the Norwegian-Estonian Research Programme: Presentation 1
Dr Rein Drenkhan, Estonian University of Life-Sciences, Project leader of the project “DNA-based early detection and diagnostics of alien invasive forest pathogens and tracing of their introduction pathways into northern Europe” funded by the Norwegian-Estonian Research Cooperation Programme (EMP 162)
12:30-13:00 Experiences from the Norwegian-Estonian Research Programme: Presentation 2
Prof Tõnis Timmusk, TalTech, Project leader of the project “Baltic Research Programme’s implementation in Estonia” funded by the Norwegian-Estonian Research Cooperation Programme (EMP 128)
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-17:00 Matchmaking afternoon for researchers
Coffee/tea/water is provided during the matchmaking event.
Ms Katrin Piller, Estonian Research Council, katrin.piller@etag.ee