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Seminar for researchers interested in applying for ERC grants
March 21
The Research Administration Office of Tallinn University of Technology invites you to seminar, which is organised to support those, who are interested in applying for ERC grants.
Seminars working languge is English.
Seminar will take place on 21.03.2019 Nordic Hotel Forum https://www.nordichotels.eu/en/
Participation is free for everyone, but pre-registration is mandatory due to the limited number of participants.
Please register your participation here
Event schedule can be found https://www.ttu.ee/ttu-uudised/sundmused/rahastamine-ja-stipendiumid/seminar-erc/
More information: Coordinator of Research Projects Funded from Structural Funds Marika Lunden, marika.lunden@taltech.ee
Research and Development Projects Officer Kristel Rauk, kristel.rauk@taltech.ee
Seminar is financed from Mobilitas Plus programm (European Regional Development Fund)