Estonian Research Council awards Mobilitas Plus grants based on the Decree No.1.1-2/15/481 of the Minister of Education and Research of 30 December 2015. The Decree lays down the conditions for the provision of grants under the ‘Internationalisation of research and support for mobility and the next generation’ or Mobilitas Pluss programme.
The budget for Mobilitas Pluss is 35 373 770 euros, 83.5% of which is covered by the European Regional Development Fund.
The programme aims to:
improve the international visibility of Estonian research, business and higher education and Estonia’s attractiveness as a destination country for study and research;
strengthen the international competitiveness of Estonian researchers and research performing organisations, including companies;
support opportunities for Estonian research institutions and companies to collaborate with transnational research organisations and networks, including through synergy with Horizon 2020 actions;
expand international collaboration and professional development opportunities for the state, R&D institutions, higher education institutions, companies, students and academic staff by improving intersectoral and international mobility and cooperation (opportunities).
Mobilitas Pluss partnership and co-operation funding:
- Horizon 2020 ERA chair support – enables Estonian research and development institutions to cover the research costs of Horizon 2020 ERA chairs.
- Horizon 2020 ERA NET support – enables Estonian research and development institutions to cover the research costs of participating in Horizon 2020 ERA NET projects.
- Horizon 2020 EIT support – covers the travel and staff costs of the participation of Estonian research and development institutions in the work of Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs).