Series of webinars about the Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships Call 2024

The Estonian Research Council (ETAG) will organise a series of webinars for applicants of the 2024 call for Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships. The webinars will take place on the 30th and 31st of Masy and 13th of June, the working language is English and is intended for researchers who plan to apply with and Estonian host organisation, as well as researchers currently based in Estonia and wishing to apply to go abroad for a post-doc. The webinars will look closely at different parts of the MSCA Postdoctoral Grant application form.

MSCA PF webinar No. 1, 30.05.2024 10:00-12:00, Structure of the MSCA PF application. Ethics, Open Science, gender aspects in research, CV.
MSCA PF webinar No. 2, 30.05.2024 13:00-15:00, Criterion: Excellence
MSCA PF webinar No. 3, 31.05.2024 10:00-12:00, Criterion: Impact
MSCA PF webinar No. 4, 13.06.2024 10:00-12:00,Criterion: Implementation
MSCA PF webinar No. 5, 13.06.2024 13:00-15:00, Proposal submission system. Part A of the application.

The webianrs will be recorded and links will be sent to registered participants.

Before the first webinar, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the requirements and documents of the call, the info seminar that took place in March can be rewatched at
Call page on the Funding and Tenders portal of the European Commission:

Registration (please register only once): 


Additional information:
Kristin Kraav