The Application for Grants of the Mobilitas 3.0 Programme Is Set to Begin

The Mobilitas Pluss continuation programme “Supporting Research and Development Internationalisation: Connecting with the International Knowledge Market,” also knows as Mobilitas 3.0, is initiating its first activities: applications for grants.

It provides a new opportunity for postdoctoral researchers who wish to come to Estonia and have applied for Horizon Europe grants based on the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Seal of Excellence (MSCA), however, were not funded due to budgetary limitations. The Estonian Research Council employs this MSCA principle, so postdoctoral researchers who applied for the MSCA in 2021 or 2022, received a high score (at least 70%), but nevertheless were not funded, can apply for the grant now. The application process will last from 1st to 30th September.

In addition, the mechanism for improving the success of applications for the European Research Council (ERC) grants, is to be initiated. The application is open for those who have previously applied for the ERC but were not funded. The precondition is that the researcher reached the second evaluation stage of the ERC grant application and received the rating “A”; or reached the third evaluation stage of the Synergy Grant. Applications will be started to be reviewed from August.

The applications for both, the postdoctoral and ERC grants, can be submitted in the ETIS system. The precondition for both grants is that they will contribute to the smart specialisation areas. Further information of these areas can be found on the TAIE homepage (in Estonian).