R&D Evaluation

Estonian Research Council organises the evaluations of research and development. Evaluation means external evaluation of research and development, which since 2010 is carried out either as a regular evaluation for assessing the level of a field of research, or as a targeted evaluation for developing research policy and for obtaining the information necessary for organising of research and development in a field of science.

Legislation and documents of Regular Evaluation

Regular Evaluation Guidance 2024

Organisation of Research and Development Act

Higher Education Act


Positively evaluated R&D institutions

Research performing organisation Field of research evaluated Date of decision approval
BioCC** life and environmental sciences 18 November 2015
Center of Food and Fermentation Technologies natural sciences 22 August 2017
Competence Centre on Health Technologies health sciences 11 June 2015
Cybernetica AS natural sciences 22 August 2017
Estonian Biocentre (University of Tartu)* natural sciences 22 August 2017
Icosagen Cell Factory OÜ medical and health sciences 04 December 2020
Institute of the Estonian Language humanities and the arts 22 August 2017
Estonian Literary Museum humanities and the arts 22 August 2017
Estonian Academy of Arts humanities and the arts

engineering and technology

22 August 2017

23 July 2021

Estonian University of Life Sciences natural sciences

engineering and technology

agricultural and veterinary sciences

22 August 2017

22 August 2017

22 August 2017

Central Office of Metrology in Estonia Metrosert AS engineering and technology 23 July 2021
Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre humanities and the arts 22 August 2017
Estonian National Museum humanities and the arts 22 August 2017
Centre of Estonian Rural Research and Knowledge (previously Estonian Crop Research Institute) agricultural and veterinary sciences 22 August 2017
Under and Tuglas Literature Centre of the Estonian Academy of Sciences humanities and the arts 22 August 2017
Estonian Business School social sciences 22 August 2017
National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics natural sciences

engineering and technology

medical and health sciences

22 August 2017

22 August 2017

22 August 2017

Protobios OÜ medical and health sciences 22 August 2017
Tallinn University of Technology natural sciences

engineering and technology

medical and health sciences

agricultural and veterinary sciences

social sciences

humanities and the arts

22 August 2017

22 August 2017

22 August 2017

22 August 2017

22 August 2017

22 August 2017

Tallinn University natural sciences

social sciences

humanities and the arts

22 August 2017

22 August 2017

22 August 2017

STACC OÜ (previously Software Technology and Applications Competence Center) natural sciences 22 August 2017
Tartu Observatory (University of Tartu)* natural sciences 22 August 2017
University of Tartu natural sciences

engineering and technology

medical and health sciences

agricultural and veterinary sciences

social sciences

humanities and the arts

22 August 2017

22 August 2017

22 August 2017

22 August 2017

22 August 2017

22 August 2017

National Institute for Health Development medical and health sciences 22 August 2017
Competence Centre on Health Technologies health sciences 11 June 2015
BioCC LLC (prior Bio-Competence Centre of Healthy Dairy Products LLC) biosciences and environment 18 November 2015

*01.01.2018 – joined with the University of Tartu

** Organisation of Research and Development Act § 214. (2) A positive decision made in a regular evaluation of 2015–2017 remains in force until the approval of the results of the regular evaluation round of 2024.

Targeted Evaluation Reports

Evaluation of Tallinn University of Technology Professorships in Fields of Natural Sciences and Engineering and Technology (2022)

Evaluation of Estonian Professorships in Research Areas of National Significance (2016)

Evaluation of Research in Law 2009-2014 (2015)

Evaluation of Research in ICT 2009-2014 (2015)

Evaluation of Research in Energetics 2008-2012 (2014)

Evaluation of Research in Civil Engineering 2008-2012 (2014)

Evaluation of Educational Research 2007-2011 (2013)

Evaluation of Plant and Soil Science Research 2006-2010 (2012)



Triinu Soomere
Senior coordinator of R&D evaluations
Tel +372 5699 8389