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Joint Call for Proposals on Microplastics in the Marine Environment
February 28
Twelve JPI Oceans member countries together with Brazil launch a call for transnational research projects of approx. 9.2 M€ to study the sources, distribution and impact of microplastics in the marine environment.
Main themes:
- Identification, characterisation and quantification of the major microplastic sources, especially mechanisms and time scales of macroplastic fragmentation
- New sampling and analytical methodologies – focusing on the smaller (nano-)particles and in situ measurement methods for all matrices (water, sediment, biota)
- Monitoring and mapping of microplastics in the marine environment including its effects on the marine environment
- Concepts to reduce inputs of plastics into the marine environment including through new recycling methods, raising public awareness, promoting behavioural change, socio-economic analyses
Rules for Participation
Each application must address at least one of the four themes of the call. Please note that not all funding partners will fund applications in all topic areas.
Proposals need to involve eligible research partners from at least three participating countries. Projects will be funded for up to 36 months. The maximum requested funding per proposal is € 2,000,000.
Details of the call and the application process are provided on the call home page: https://epss-jpi-oceans.ptj.de/call2018
The Estonian funders are the Ministry of the Environment (call topics 1-3) and Estonian Research Council (call topics 1-4).
The grant amount for the Estonian partner is up to EUR 100 000 per project.
Eligibility requirements for Estonian partners are listed HERE.
Estonian partners are asked to contact the Estonian contact persons prior to submitting the application:
At Estonian Research Council: Katrin Kello katrin.kello@etag.ee, phone (+371) 731 7361
At the Ministry of the Environment: Scientific Adviser Katarina Viik katarina.viik@envir.ee, Head of Marine Environment Department Rene Reisner rene.reisner@envir.ee