The Second Call for Proposals on AGROECOLOGY Partnership Opens in December

The Horizon Europe Agroecology partnership (European Partnership on accelerating farming systems transition through agroecology Living Labs and Research Infrastructures, AGROECOLOGY) is pre-announcing an upcoming call for joint European research projects on the topic „Integrating environmental, economic and social perspectives in assessing the performance of agroecology. Value-chain and policy implications“. The call will open in December.

Call topics:

  • Topic 1: Determine and assess benefits/impacts and trade-offs of agroecology, and identify best practices
  • Topic 2: Transform value chains, business models and policies to facilitate the transition to agroecology

Estonian participants are financed by the Estonian Research Council or the Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture by 100,000 euros if the applicant is a project partner or by Research Council by 300,000 euros if the applicant is a project coordinator.

All applicants must meet the requirements of the call and their national funding organization.

Please find more information about the call pre-announcement.


  • Preproposal submission February 2025
  • Full proposal submission July 2025
  • Project selection October 2025
  • Project start early 2026

Detailed info about the call will be published in December.


Call contact at the Estonian Research Council:
Maarja Soonberg-Kaine

Call contact at the Estonian Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture:
Maarja Malm