PRE-ANNOUNCEMENT! Pre-announcement of 12th call on Oceans: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation will open in the spring

The European Interest Group (EIG) CONCERT-Japan will launce a joint call for proposals, titled Oceans: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, to be launched in 2025 with research expected to start in the first half of 2026.

This call focuses on research that contributes to global warming mitigation and adaptation in marine environments. This is done through a dual focus on blue carbon ecosystems research for CO2 removal as a mitigation strategy as well as research for advancing our understanding of ocean processes to inform climate change adaptation strategies.

The call in the CONCERT programme works in same way as Horizon2020 ERA-NETS and Horizon Europe partnerships – each country finances the participation of researchers.

Each project consortium submitting an application should consist of at least 3 eligible beneficiaries (project partners), including at least 1 from Japan and at least 2 from two different European countries participating in the Joint Call.

Additionally to Estonia and Japan the following countries have also joined the call: France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Spain and Türkiye.

Estonian participants are financed by ETAG in the amount of 100,000 euros (standard project partner) or 300,000 euros (coordinator) – even if there is more than one Estonian partner in one project.

In order to facilitate the process of forming research consortia, we offer applicants a Partner Search Tool – Partfinder available here: . This tool can be used by project consortia looking for additional partners and researchers looking for project consortia to join.

Official pre-announcement:

Call text will be published in spring 2025.

More information in ETAG:

Katrin Saar
Mob: (+372) 5333 5625