The Estonian R&D&I strategy “Knowledge-based Estonia” lists co-operation with the Nordic countries as one of the priorities of Estonian research co-operation. NordForsk is a platform for joint Nordic research and research infrastructure cooperation. The organisation was established in 2005 by the Nordic Council of Ministers in order to strengthen the Nordic research and Innovation Area. NordForsk’s mandate is to facilitate, i.e. to identify and respond to, strategic priorities for Nordic research cooperation, and thereby create Nordic added value. Estonian researchers can participate in NordForsk’s calls for proposals.
Contact at Estonian Research Council:
Katrin Piller
EEA Baltic Research Cooperation Programme
The overall objective of the Baltic Research Cooperation Programme funded by Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein by using financial mechanism for 2014–2021 is to enhance research collaboration between research and development institutions of Baltic states and donor countries Norway, Iceland and/or Liechtenstein; to stimulate long-term cooperation, capacity and competence-building. The total budget of the programme is 22 million euro (incl. 6 million euro budget for 2018 call).
Programme Operator: Estonian Ministry of Education and Research
Implementing agency: Estonian Research Council
Donor Programme Partner: Research Council of Norway
Contact at Estonian Research Council:
Katrin Piller