From 2019, new ERA Chair project will no longer be supported from the Mobilitas Pluss program, as Horizon 2020 will now cover research costs and double funding is not allowed.
Programme activities are carried out by the Estonian Research Council (ETAG) in accordance with Decree No. 1.1-2/15/481 of the Minister of Education and Research of 30 December 2015. It lays down the conditions for the provision of grants under the ‘Internationalisation of research and support for mobility and the next generation’ or Mobilitas Pluss programme.
The budget for Mobilitas Pluss is 35 373 770 euros, 83.5% of which is covered by the European Regional Development Fund.
The programme aims to:
improve the international visibility of Estonian research, business and higher education and Estonia’s attractiveness as a destination country for study and research;
strengthen the international competitiveness of Estonian researchers and research performing organisations, including companies;
support opportunities for Estonian research institutions and companies to collaborate with transnational research organisations and networks, including through synergy with Horizon 2020 actions;
expand international collaboration and professional development opportunities for the state, R&D institutions, higher education institutions, companies, students and academic staff by improving intersectoral and international mobility and cooperation (opportunities).
What do we do and what is the objective of our activities?
The Estonian Research Council reimburses the costs of Estonian R&D institutions, companies and higher education institutions successfully participating in the initiatives of the European Research Area, Innovation Union and Horizon 2020. The effective functioning of several Horizon 2020 measures presume that projects will also involve Structural Funds in addition to the Horizon 2020 funds. The activity aims to expand opportunities for Estonian researchers and entrepreneurs to participate in Horizon 2020 projects and increase the impact of existing projects by supporting additional activities. As a result of the activity, we will achieve greater cohesion and synergy with the initiatives of the European Research Area, Innovation Union and Horizon 2020. Furthermore, the involvement of Estonian researchers and institutions in the above initiatives will increase.
Who qualifies for receiving support?
ETAG reimburses the costs of those partners who have ongoing Horizon 2020 ERA chair projects.
What costs do we reimburse and to what extent?
In the case of ERA chairs, research costs are reimbursed, since no funds have been allocated for them under the Horizon 2020 project. Salaries of the head of the chair and her/his team, travel costs, costs of organizing events, including conferences and seminars and costs of invited guests and speakers, participation fees, costs related to publication and taking out a patent, training costs and communication costs are reimbursed out of the funds of Horizon 2020. For the reimbursement of costs, the action plan, including the budget, has to be submitted to ETAG on the relevant form. We will reimburse not more than 200 000 euros of the costs per each ERA chair.
When will the activities take place?
Activities are carried out simultaneously with the projects of ERA chairs in progress.