TemTA – Thematic R&D Programmes

The aim of the thematic R&D programmes is to foster business-oriented R&D capacity, cooperation between research institutions, business and public sector partners for knowledge and technology transfer, and growth of young R&D specialists in smart specialization focus areas:  

  • digital solutions across all areas of life, 
  • health technologies and services, 
  • valorisation of local resources such as wood, food, mineral resources, secondary raw materials and waste, and 
  • smart and sustainable energy solutions. 

R&D projects and activities supporting cooperation between the sectors are co-funded by the EU structural funds and the Ministry of Education and Research with the budget of 102 million euros until 2029. The thematic programmes are administered by the Estonian Research Council.  



Mats Hansen
Head of the Unit of Targeted Funding
+372 5307 0960