GENDER-NET Plus ERA-NET Cofund is a European Research Area consortium that aims at promoting the integration of sex and gender analysis into research and fostering international collaboration in the field. 16 research funding organisations form 13 countries, including Estonian Research Council (ETAG), participate in the consortium.
The GENDER-NET Plus first transnational call invites research that integrates a gender dimension into addressing urgent societal challenges. The consortium has chosen the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a point of departure for the call. The SDG 5 explicitly addresses gender equality and women’s rights. GENDER-NET Plus invites applications that address and explore interactions and interdependencies explicitly between SDG 5 Gender Equality and one or more of the following SDGs: SDG 3 Good health and well-being, SDG 9 Infrastructure, Industrialization and Innovation, and SDG 13 Climate Action. Applicants may choose to address one or more of the outlined topics.
The research projects must involve partners from at least 3 of the participating countries: Austria, Belgium (Wallonia-Brussels Federation), Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden. ETAG participates in funding projects that refer to the following topics:
1.1 Gender-based violence (SDG 3)
1.2 Sex, gender and ageing (SDG 3)
1.3 Sex, gender and health (SDG 3)
2.1 Gender and new technologies (SDG 9)
2.2 Gender in entrepreneurship and in the innovation system (SDG 9)
The project duration can be up to 3 years. The maximum budget for Estonian partners is EUR 50,000.
See more at the call home page:
To facilitate international collaborations a partner search tool is available:
Contact point at Estonian Research Council: Katrin Kello,