The ERA-NET Cofund project ERA-CVD aims to promote international cooperation in cardiovascular research. The network was launched in 2015 by funding agencies from 18 countries.
To date, the network has conducted two joint transnational calls (JTC). In each call, a research project involving an Estonian team was awarded funding: in 2016 DETECTIN-HF: Determining the role of clinical and epigenetic risk markers in dilated cardiomyopathies and heart failure with Prof. A. Metspalu’s team and in 2017 Druggable-MI-genes: Utilising myocardial infarction genes for better treatment with Prof. A. Metspalu’s and Prof. J. Björkegren’s team (University of Tartu).
The current JTC – specifically for early career scientists – opened on January 11, 2018.
The deadline for submission of pre-proposals is March 15, 2018, 17:00 CET.
The deadline for submission of full proposals is June 15, 2018, 17:00 CET.
See more at
In Estonia, the main applicant must have received a PhD degree two to seven years before the deadline for the pre-proposal round. The seven-year limit may be extended due to parental leave, military service or serious illness. Successful Estonian teams will be supported by the Mobilitas Plus program that is funded by the European Regional Development Fund. Estonian team’s requested budget may not exceed EUR 150,000.
On Estonian requirements, see more in ETAG’s Mobilitas Pluss requirements (except 1.2.5)
Contact points at Estonian Research Council
– on JTC 2018: Katrin Kello, Phone: +372 731 7361
– on Mobilitas Pluss requirements and budget issues: Margus Harak, Phone: +372 731 7343 and +372 511 0332