Mark your calendars: TeadusEST science forum coming soon

The Estonian Research Council is organising a science forum on December 12th at the Lydia Hotel event center (Tartu, Ülikooli 14) titled “TeadusEST 2024: Research Infrastructure – For Whom and Why?”.

In Estonia, the development of research infrastructures has been a priority for almost two decades, during which European Union support has been the main pillar of our progress. But have these investments yielded the desired results? Have we been able to achieve our scientific goals and benefit society as a whole? Now, in the midst of change, we face the question: how can we ensure that our research infrastructures are sustainable and future-oriented? We invite you to discuss and share your perspectives to find answers and set common goals for future development.

A detailed schedule and registration will be available on the ETAG website in November.

The event will be held in Estonian with simultaneous interpretation into English.


Priit Tamm
Head of Research Infrastructure
(+372) 501 6624