New Researcher Exchange programme – Japanese researcher to Estonia

Estonian Research Council in cooperation with the Japanese Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) opened a new researcher Exchange program to bring one Japanese scientist per yer to Estonia to do research.

In 2002, the Japanese Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) and the then Estonian Science Foundation signed an agreement according to which the Estonian Research Council is the JSPS’ cooperation partner and representative organization in Estonia. This created an opportunity for Estonian postdoctoral fellows to apply for a scholarship for research in Japan once a year through ETAG. Until now, Estonia has had the opportunity to send one researcher to Japan for up. Now there ETAG and JSPS are making the cooperation bilateral, and the goal of the new program is to promote international cooperation and mutual understanding through research.

Positively evaluated Estonian R&I institutions can invite one Japanese researcher per year to do research in Estonia for 6-12 months.


Brief information about the program:

Period of stay

  • 6 to 12 months.
  • The researcher must depart Japan during the period from 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026.

Field of research

All areas of Humanities, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences


  • At the time of application, be a full-time researcher (tenure not required) who is eligible to receive KAKENHI grants or a researcher who aspires to hold such a full-time position in the future.
  • The candidate must be a citizen of Japan or a foreign national with permanent residency status in Japan.
  • Researchers who have obtained a doctoral degree or who are expected to obtain one by 31 March 2025.

Eligible Japanese R&I institutions

  • University or Joint research institute
  • Organization under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) that conducts scientific research
  • National college of Technology
  • Other organization designated by the MEXT minister

Eligible Estonian R&I institutions

  • The host Institution must be a positively evaluated R&D institution that is a legal entity registered in Estonia. List of evaluated institutions is provided in the Estonian Research Information System (ETIS): . Only the institutions with evaluated “Yes” can be the host institutions.
  • Must formally employ the Japanese researcher (at least part-time) with any type of employment contract legal in Estonia.

The grant amount

The amounts given below ensure the grant for salary that the Estonian R&I institution can pay to a Japanese researcher for conducting research in Estonia. In addition, the R&I institution may pay additional salary from other funds. The costs for research work must be covered by the Estonian R&I institution.

  • International airfare
  • Maintenance allowance: 1,600 EUR/month
  • Family allowance: 500 EUR/month
  • Accommodations: 1,000 EUR/month (researcher should pay any amount over)
  • Expenses for domestic travel in Estonia: 650 EUR/year

Application procedure

  • The Japanese researcher must submit the application electronically on the JSPS platform no later than August 30, 2024 at 17:oo (JST):
  • The Japanese researcher must submit the invitation letter from the Estonian R&I institution with the application.
  • The evaluation is carried out by JSPS and who then make a nomination to ETAG.

More information about the Researcher Exchange Programme in English:

Information in Japanese:


Call contact at ETAG:
Katrin Saar
(+372) 5333 5625