Webinar series for the applicants of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships continues until the end of June
SLAIDS The Estonian Research Council organises a series of webinars for the applicants of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships. The second-to-last...
Last webinar for the applicants of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships
SLAIDS The Estonian Research Council continues with the series of webinars for the applicants of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships. The...
MSCA Global Fellowship Seminar
MSCA Global Fellowship applicants are invited to join an interactive question and answer session on 2 June. Registration: https://www.etag.ee/uritus/seminar-msca-global-fellowship-taotlejaile/ ...
Seminar for MSCA IF applicants
An on-line seminar for writing Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship applications will take place on Wednesday, 19th of August, at 10:00....
The launching event of the BRP in Latvia
On 26 August at 10-13, the launching event of the BRP in Latvia will be organized virtually in the Zoom...
Estonian National Contest for University Students
Deadline for submitting the applications is 15 September 2020. Contest homepage
The deadline for submission of proposals for The joint transnational call “Cultural Heritage, Identities & Perspectives: Responding to Changing Societies”
The call is organised by the JPI Cultural Heritage and Global Change and research funding organisations from 14 countries. Scholars...
Webinar on European Research Council (ERC) grants
Registration: https://etag.clickmeeting.com/european-research-council-erc-grants-and-calls-for-applications-in-2021/register?_ga=2.199354413.2069888230.1600685570-1798702160.1590410968 The Estonain Research Council will organise a webinar on ERC grants on Thursday, 8th of October, starting at...
Webinar on ETAG’s support schemes for ERC applicants
ETAG will present support schemes for ERC applicants. You will also hear testimonials from researchers who have used the support...
The deadline for submission of proposals for the Latvian call of Baltic Research Program
Kuidas oma teadustööd esitleda – sotsiaalmeedia ja populariseerimise seminar
Tallinna Ülikool, MARE maja, ruumid M-340 ja ELU ala või üle veebi (sõltuvalt covid-19 olukorrast) Zoom, EestiNB! Viimaste päevade nakatumisnäitajate valguses, pidime vastu võtma otsuse, et riskide vähendamiseks viime seminari läbi virtuaalselt Zoom´i vahendusel, mitte füüsiliselt...
„Nutikate välisinvesteeringute uuring: Eestis tegutseva välisosalusega ettevõtete analüüs, et selgitada välja uute välisinvesteeringute maandamise fookus ja kriteeriumid“ raporti esitlus 10.novembril Riigikogus
Riigikogu10.november 2020 kell 14.00-14.50 toimub Riigikogu majandus- ja väliskomisjoni avalikul istungil RITA 4 raames valminud uuringu „Nutikate välisinvesteeringute uuring: Eestis...
„Nutikate välisinvesteeringute uuring: Eestis tegutseva välisosalusega ettevõtete analüüs, et selgitada välja uute välisinvesteeringute maandamise fookus ja kriteeriumid“ raporti esitlus Riigikogus
10.november 2020 kell 14.00-14.50 toimub Riigikogu majandus- ja väliskomisjoni avalikul istungil RITA 4 raames valminud uuringu „Nutikate välisinvesteeringute uuring: Eestis...
Online brokerage event “Environment and energy: exploring synergies between GREEN DEAL and LIFE”
Date/Time Date - 30/11/2020 12:00 - 13:30 CET Lithuanian RDI Liaison Office (LINO) and the Estonian Liaison Office for EU...
Application Call for Proof-of-Concept Grants
Eesti TeadusinfosüsteemAn online info-session in Estonian of the CHANSE programme
In March, the CHANSE (Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe) programme will launch the call for international research...
EMBL and Estonia – Collaboration Strengths and Opportunities
Registration is closed! Zoom link: https://ut-ee.zoom.us/j/94761668805?pwd=VzNqZEx3Q1RwUkl0Uk91MG9Tc3FlZz09 Passcode: EMBL A webinar introducing cooperation opportunities between EMBL and Estonia will take place...