The aim of the Open Call for Science Communication Projects is to help to bring science closer to the general public, communicate science, research achievements and the achievements of researchers, as well as raise interest in science and the profession of a researcher and engineer.
Among other aspects, we also support activities which are designed to generate interest in STEM among younger school students, to promote the use of Estonian language in research, and introduce interdisciplinary fields of research.
The deadline for submission is February 5, 2025.
The total budget for 2025 call is € 215 000.
Who can participate?
All individuals and legal entities who communicate science in Estonia can submit their applications.
Applications may be submitted in following fields:
- Natural sciences
- Engineering and technology
- Medical and Health sciences
- Agricultural sciences
- Social sciences
- Humanities and Arts
- Interdisciplinary.
Applications may be submitted in following categories:
- Organization of popularising activities in science, etc.;
- Compilation of audio-visual material (including television and radio broadcasts, etc.;
- Exhibition related activities (e.g. purchase of small-scale exhibits, etc.);
- Publishing of popular science books (e.g. printing, design, etc. NB! The authors fee is not eligible cost).
Changes compared to the previous year:
– The maximum amount of the project grant is EUR 20 000;
– in the category “Compilation of audio-visual materials,” there is no support for the creation of learning assets;
– Activities with funding secured in support of the development and deployment of digital learning assets “Digital learning assets – smart learning” and “Study learning facilities (Klass+)” will not be funded within the open call.
The application must be submitted using the participation form at www.etag.ee/konkursid. All documents accompanying the application can be submitted via this environment. There is no separate form for the application, but we recommend reading the sample application.
The participation application shall include the following information of the planned activities and the applicant:
- The general aim and detailed description of the planned activities.
- The schedule for planned activities in months (max duration 12 months).
- Description of the target groups, communication plan (how the target groups will be reached). The potential impact on society and justification of the project activities. The repetition of activities previously funded by the call for proposals for the popularisation of science shall include an explanation of the project’s follow-up activities after the end of the grant.
- Provide the most detailed budget possible, with an explanation of the costs and the contributions of other potential backers; (example below)
- In the category “Publishing of popular science books”, two letters of recommendation are required, one from an expert of the field and the other from the member of the target audience of the book (e.g., a representative of the readers). The signed letters of recommendation should be attached to the participation form as additional material.
- In the category ” Compilation of audio-visual materials”, if support for the production of television or radio programs is requested, the media channel should provide the letter of interest indicating the planned program’s transmission in the channel schedule in 2025/2026. The signed letter of interest should be attached to the participation form as additional material.
Self-financing of project applications is recommended but not mandatory. If you have requested and/or received funding for the same activity from elsewhere, it must be reflected in the application.
The Estonian Research Council will conclude contracts for the projects that are funded. The application and the report form are annexes to the contract.
All documents have to be submitted electronically through the website – www.etag.ee/konkursid (the web is open for submissions 5.01-5.02.2025).
Previously funded projects can be viewed here www.etag.ee/teadpop/rahastatudprojektid (information in Estonian).
Additional information:
Katrin Saart
Email katrin.saart@etag.ee