PARROT French-Estonian science and technology cooperation programme

Contact at Estonian Research Council
Darja Matt

The first joint application round for the PARROT programme was held in 2002 and to date there are 157 applications submitted in eleven public competitions, with 87 joint projects funded (see funded projects here).

NEW! 2024 application round for the years 2025–2026 is open from 6 March 2024 and the deadline is 30 May 2024.

An informative webinar on PARROT programme and 2024 call (took place on 5 March):
* Presentation
* Recording


2024 application round for the years 2025–2026
The objectives of the programme
Conditions of eligibility of research teams and submission of the applications
Project evaluation criteria
Project selection
Duration of the projects and reporting
Eligible expenses

2024 application round for the years 2025–2026

The application round for the years 2025–2026 (open from 6 March 2024):

  • Deadline for applications: 30 May 2024
  • Release of results: December 2024
  • Start of projects: January 2025

PARROT application form 2024 (for Estonian applicants)
Application form for French applicants
PARROT Guideline of Good Practices
PARROT conditions 2024

NB! The maximum lenght of the section: “Scientific-technical rationale and purpose of the cooperation” is 10 000 characters (with spaces).

The objectives of the programme

The aim of the programme is to develop research and technology cooperation between the two countries in all fields of fundamental and applied science, including humanities and social sciences. Since the first competition, the inclusion of PhD students and young researchers (but not as a head of the project) in projects is a priority for the programme. New collaborations will in all cases be given priority.

The funding covers only the cost of mobility (travel costs and daily allowances) between the two countries of researchers involved in the program. Any other funding necessary for the implementation of joint projects must be provided by the partners’ own resources or from other sources.

Conditions of eligibility of research teams and submission of the applications

The call is launched in every two years. The call for applications is open to researchers from research laboratories attached to higher education institutions or research organizations. Companies may participate in the project if they are associated with an academic partner. Projects that have already received support under this programme (in 2022) are not eligible for a new application immediately after their completion.

The partners must submit a joint application with identical content in English to the responsible authorities in both countries. Estonian applicants must submit application in English to the e-mail: French applicants must submit application in English or French on the website:

Project evaluation criteria

  • Scientific quality of the project and teams
  • Active participation of young researchers, in particular doctoral and post-doctoral students
  • Interest of cooperation and complementarity of French and foreign teams
  • Prospects for structuring or enhancing the project. Priority will be given in particular to network projects with an European dimension. Researchers will thus be able to apply for another PHC on the same research theme.

Project selection

Eligible projects shall be subject to a separate scientific assessment by each of the two Parties. The bodies of the two countries then meet to compare the evaluations and decide jointly on the support granted to the selected projects.

Duration of the projects and reporting

The duration of the projects is two years. Funding is granted on an annual basis, for two consecutive years. It must be used up between 1 January and 31 December and cannot be carried over to the following year. The funding partners reserve the right to decide on the funding for the second year of a joint project that has not been launched in the first year or has partially completed the work plan. A final scientific report is required no later than three months after the end of the projects.

Eligible expenses

The resources granted by Estonia cover the payment of daily allowances and travel expenses for Estonian researchers:

  • Daily allowances: EUR 110/day (incl. accommodation costs and city transport);
  • Travel: reimbursement of actual costs up to a maximum of EUR 500 per return journey (incl. insurance costs): Estonia → France→ Estonia

The resources granted by France cover the payment of daily allowances and travel expenses for French researchers:

  • Daily allowances: EUR 125/day (incl. accommodation costs);
  • Travel: reimbursement of actual costs up to EUR 450 per return journey (incl. insurance costs): France → Estonia → France

Contacts for the program

For the Estonian part

Darja Matt
Estonian Research Council
Soola 8, Tartu 51004
Phone: +372 5692 4211

For the French part  

Gabriel Voisin-Moncho
Scientific and Academic Cooperation Attachée
Cooperation and Cultural Action Service
French Embassy in Estonia
Toom-Kuninga 20, Tallinn 15185
Phone: +372 616 1642

For the management of the call for proposals in France
Campus France
PHC Management
28 rue de la Grange-aux-Belles, 75010 PARIS