The pre-announcements calls of the EEA Baltic Research Programme have published

Latvia and Lithuania, the leading countries in the following calls of the EEA Baltic Research Programme, have published the pre-announcements on their websites:

  • Pre-announcement of Lithuanian Call for Proposals:

There is also a reference to the thematic priorities. The application procedure is quite the same, except the requirement that the project must include a partner from each of the Baltic States (plus at least one partner from Norway and/or Iceland and/or Liechtenstein) and that projects can last up to 36 months. The call is about to open in February 2020. The Lithuanian Research Council has its own electronic application system where the Lithuanian promoter can apply. From Estonia, the eligible partners are research organizations, as defined in the EU Framework for State aid for research and development and innovation (2014/C198/01), established in Estonia.

  • Pre-announcement of Latvian Call for Proposals:

There is also a reference to the thematic priorities. In the Latvian call, the involvement of all the Baltic States is not mandatory. Duration of projects can be up to 36 moths. The call will be open in February or March 2020. The State Education Development Centre (SEDA) will have its own electronic application system environment where the Latvian promoter can apply. From Estonia, the eligible partners are research organizations, as defined in the EU Framework for State aid for research and development and innovation (2014/C198/01), established in Estonia.

Latvia and Lithuania are also planning to hold an opening and partnership event; the exact dates will be announced in January.


Katrin Piller
Koordinaator / Coordinator
Välisteaduskoostöö osakond / International Research Cooperation Department
Eesti Teadusagentuur / Estonian Research Council
Soola 8, Tartu 51004, ESTONIA
Tel +372 731 7382, Mob +372 529 3236