What is the purpose of the support?
What is supported?
Grant period and budget
How will applications be assessed?



“Enhancing the Capacity to Implement Research, Development, and Innovation Outcomes in Society and Establishing a Favourable Policy Environment” (RITA+) 2023–2029 continues the efforts of the “Strengthening Sectoral Research and Development” (RITA) program from the 2014–2020 Structural Funds period. 

Objectives of RITA+ funding:

  • Increase the public sector’s capacity in smart specialisation areas, to apply the results of research, development and innovation activities to policy making and to address existing and emerging societal challenges.
  • Increase the role of the public sector in the strategic direction of R&D activities in Estonia and support the development of R&D directions that are important for the state.
  • Improve the competence of public sector personnel responsible for advising and shaping policies in the field of research and development, fostering both national and international collaboration.
  • Improve the competence of development advisors of professional associations in the field of R&D and to promote cooperation of development advisors within Estonia and internationally.

Actions funded and supported by RITA+:

Sub-Activity 1: Interdisciplinary applied research in the fields of smart specialisation to address societal and economic challenges.

Sub-Activity 2: Analysis and monitoring of research and development, and innovation policies, as well as increasing the competence of policymakers and implementers in these fields.

Sub-Activity 3: Increasing the competence and supporting to cooperation between science advisors of ministries and the Government Office or R&D advisory staff and development advisors of professional associations, Also, enhancing the competence of ministry officials in research and development and innovation.

Sub-Activity 4: Development of the Estonian Research Information System (ETIS).

Eligibility period and budget:

The period of eligibility of activities is from 01.04.2023 to 31.08.2029.

The total budget allocated for RITA+ amounts to €19,126,486, with €13,388,540 funded by the European Regional Development Fund, € 2 651 502 from national co-financing and € 3 086 444 from the beneficiaries’ own contribution.

Terms and conditions:

The detailed terms for receiving support are outlined in the decree issued by the Minister of Education and Research. The decree is available only in Estonian can be found here.


Contact and further information:
Liina Eek
Head of the Field of Science Politics
+372 5300 1912