New Water4All 2024 Joint Transnational Call “Water for Circular Economy” is open

Horizon Europe partnership Water4All opened third call that focuses on water for circular economy.

Four subtopics are opened in the call:

Topic 1. Enhancement of water circularity in industries.
Topic 2. Urban water circularity.
Topic 3. Resource recovery and valorization.
Topic 4. Economic, environmental and social implications of water reuse and recovered products.

Estonian partner(s) in a successful project will be funded by the Estonian Research Council (ETAG). The maximum requested budget for the Estonian partner(s) participating in one project, if all Estonian partners participate as regular partners, is 150 000 euros per project. If the Project Coordinator is from an Estonian research organisation, the requested budget for the Estonian sub-project may be up to 300 000 euros. (If several Estonian partners participate in a project coordinated by an Estonian partner, the maximum requested budget of all Estonian partners in the project is still 300 000 euros.)

ETAG funds both basic and applied science projects. All partners must meet the requirements of their national funding organization.

Private-for-profit organisations must contact the national contact point before submitting the proposal: Katrin Saar (

The call is conducted as two-step-procedure:

  1. The deadline for pre-proposal is 13 November 2024 at 15:00 Brussels time.
  2. The deadline for full proposal submission is 29 April 2025 at 15:00 Brussels time.

Submitting the pre-proposal is mandatory and full proposal cannot be submitted without it. Correctly submitted and evaluated pre-proposals will be invited to submit a full proposal by the secretariat.

If there are more than one Estonian institution applying in one proposal, then all institutions must have a Principal Investigator who meets national requirements:

For finding project partners or consortium, applicants can use the Water4All partner search tool:

All documents, guidelines and the application forms are available on the partnership website:


Contact at ETAG:
Katrin Saar (