Personal research funding

Personal research grants are funding allocated for a high-quality R&D project carried out by a person or a research group working at an R&D institution.

There are three categories of research grants corresponding to the different levels of a research career:

  • A postdoctoral research grant is a grant aimed at supporting the launch of a research career of the people with a doctoral degree obtained from an Estonian university at a foreign R&D institutions or among highly qualified research groups.
  • A starting grant is a grant aimed at supporting the researchers with initial research experience to launch their independent research career at an Estonian R&D institution, to set up their research group, and to contribute to educating the next generation of researchers (incl. doctoral students).
  • A team grant is a grant aimed at supporting researchers in continuing their research career at an Estonian R&D institution, ensuring high-quality research, leading a strong research group, and educating the next generation of researchers (incl. doctoral students).

Support for Including Ukrainian War Refugees in Grant Projects

Grant reporting

  • The decision to continue funding the project will be based on the contract which will be prepared in the end of the calendar year.
  • However, for four-and five-year projects it will be necessary to submit an interim report during the third year. The submission due date is 28 February 2024 at 5PM (Estonian time).

Template form for PSG and PRG interim reports

  • The final report has to be submitted no later than two months after the end of the project.

Template form for final reports
Conditions for Extending the Grant Period

An acknowledgement of the research grant

An acknowledgement of the research grant in a publication is mandatory, unless limited by publishing restrictions, copyright, or intellectual property laws. Only the publications which include an acknowledgement will be taken into account when assessing the interim and final reports.

Correct form of acknowledgment of the research grant in English:
This work was supported by the Estonian Research Council grant (PXX number).

Correct form of acknowledgment of the research grant in Estonian:
Uurimistööd on finantseerinud Eesti Teadusagentuur (PXX number).



Starting and team grants
Eveli Laats
Head of the Unit of National Research Grants (Department of Research and Development Funding)
Ph 51 911 737 

Postdoctoral research grants
Margus Harak
Senior Adviser (Mobilitas 3.0 programme, repatriating, postdocs)
Ph +372 731 7343