ETAG Seminar “Strategizing Start-Up and SME Growth with Science Funding Instruments” at Startup Day

The Estonian Research Council is participating in Startup Day again this year. As a part of this, on January 25 at 16:00, a seminar titled “Strategizing Start-Up and SME Growth with Science Funding Instruments” will take place in the Tartu University Sports Hall during Startup Day. The seminar will delve into the possibilities for collaboration between entrepreneurs and researchers. The focus will be on the Cross-Sectoral Mobility Measure and the European Horizon III pillar – how can entrepreneurs involve researchers and research funding in the growth of their companies?

Speakers at the seminar include:

  • Darja Matt, International Research Cooperation Adviser, ETAG – introducing the opportunities of the European Horizon III pillar for entrepreneurs.
  • Tea Tassa, Measure Coordinator, State Support Services Centre – introducing the possibilities of Cross-Sectoral Mobility for entrepreneurs.
  • Dr. Olesja Bondarenko, CEO of Nanordical Medical – sharing the experiences of an entrepreneur who has received support from both instruments.

Facebook event


Additionally, on January 24, from 15:00 to 18:00, the official Startup Day side event by ETAG will take place. In the Armastuse saal of the Aparaaditehas (Kastani 42, Tartu), a networking event between entrepreneurs and researchers in the health technology field will be held. The goal of the event is to bring scientists and entrepreneurs together for facetime. The meeting allows them to introduce their research topics or problems and, if suitable, express interest in further collaboration. The event follows a matchmaking format.

The event will be moderated by Relika Alliksaar Williams, an expert from the University of Tartu’s Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre.

Focus themes of the event:

  1. Biomedicine and biomedical technologies.
  2. Interdisciplinary research and development for innovative health technologies and services.
  3. Data-based and information technology solutions in health technologies and services.
  4. Development of human-centric and inclusive health technologies and services, including solutions related to health promotion and prevention, health behavior, and the overall health and treatment journey of individuals.

Additional information and registration


Also, the Estonian Research Council will have a booth in the Startup Day demo area, where attendees can explore various instruments for connecting companies with researchers and research funding.