Estonian Research Infrastructures Roadmap

The Estonian Research Agency compiles and updates the Estonian research infrastructure roadmap, which includes a list of new or modernization-needed nationally important research infrastructure units.

Concept of Research Infrastructure

Research infrastructure encompasses the means used to create new knowledge, transfer, exchange and/or preserve knowledge in the public, private, and third sectors. For example, these are laboratories, apparatus, equipment, research collections, archives, structured information or their complex, and the conditions, know-how, human resources, methods, materials, activities, and services associated with them.

Nationally important research infrastructure is defined as a research infrastructure which importance to the Estonian research system, society, and entrepreneurship is significant. In has to be evaluated that the scale and scope of the research infrastructure is large enough that it is reasonable and more efficient to plan centrally, to prioritize, and additionally fund to achieve the widest possible impact.

Purpose of the Roadmap

The Estonian research infrastructure roadmap is a tool for planning nationally important research infrastructures. It is a list that shows the current status of nationally important research infrastructures and which is taken as the basis for long-term strategic decisions (including the allocation of grants). The research infrastructures mentioned on the roadmap can be both physical objects, network structures, and memberships in international research infrastructures or research infrastructure organizations.

The purpose of compiling the roadmap is to have a complete picture of the most important working and emerging research infrastructures for Estonia. Inclusion in the roadmap is a prerequisite for receiving support under the conditions set by the Regulation on Funding Nationally Important Research Infrastructures.

The roadmap is updated regularly (in a 5-year cycle) to take into account changing needs and opportunities. The roadmap is approved by the Government of the Republic.

Compiling a 2024 Research Infrastructure Roadmap

Under the regulation of the Minister of Education and Science, “Supporting Infrastructure of National Importance”, ETAG has been instructed to compile a new Estonian research infrastructure roadmap in 2024.

The roadmap renewal will be processe in two stages:

  1. The research infrastructures of 2019 roadmap will submit an activity report in ETIS, covering the activity period from the confirmation of the 2019 roadmap by the Government of the Republic until the end of 2023.
  2. Subsequently, the application round for candidacy to the “Roadmap 2024”  will be opened to all research infrastructures.
    • Application form is opened in ETIS and can will appear on the researchers desktop with a name: Application to Estonian Research Infrastructure map (TARISTU24-T) 2024
    • The application can be submitted by a positively evaluated research and development institution or by a leading institution representing research infrastructure consortium consisting of partner institutions, whereas the leading institution must also be positively evaluated.
    • The applications are then evaluated by the research infrastructure commission established under the Estonian Research Council. The roadmap is confirmed by the Government of the Republic.
    • The deadline for submitting the application is June 20, 2024, at 17:00.

Previous national RI roadmaps


Priit Tamm
Head of the Field of Research Infrastructures
Phone: +372 501 6624
Sigrid Soomer
Research Infrastructure Senior Coordinator
Phone:  +372 555 74443