The following page gives an overview of the funding sources and incurred expenditures on R&D in public and private sectors in Estonia and other countries.
Dataset: HERE
Please refer to the sources (including Estonian Research Council)!
1.1. Flows of funding and incurred expenditures on R&D between sectors in Estonia in 2023
Source: Statistics Estonia (data last updated 02.12.2024). Calculations by Estonian Research Council.
1.2. The budget of the research, development and innovation programme of the Ministry of Education and Research (million EUR) in 2016-2025
Source: Ministry of Education and Research (data last updated 30.12.2024).
1.3. Proportions between baseline funding and national research grants 2009-2024
Source: Ministry of Education and Research (data last updated 27.02.2024). Calculations by Estonian Research Council.
1.4. Intramural R&D expenditure on R&D as a percentage of GDP in 2014-2023
Source: Eurostat (data last updated 30.12.2024). Calculations by Estonian Research Council.
1.5. Intramural R&D expenditure financed by government (%) 2014-2022
Source: Eurostat (data last updated 30.12.2024). Calculations by Estonian Research Council.
1.6. Public sector and private sector R&D expenditures as a percentage of GDP in 2023 in European Union
Source: Eurostat (data last updated 30.12.2024). Calculations by Estonian Research Council.
1.7. Public sector R&D expenditure (million EUR, % of GDP) and the shares of research grants and baseline funding in it in in 2016-2023
Sources: Statistics Estonia (data last updated 02.12.2024), Ministry of Education and Research. Calculations by Estonian Research Council.
Page last updated: 31.12.2024
Kadri Raudvere | Maarja Sillaste |
R&D Analyst | R&D Analyst |
Tel +372 5698 1582 | Tel +372 730 0371 | | |