Contact at Estonian Research Council
Katrin Piller
Phone: +372 731 7382
Joint programmes launched in cooperation with NordForsk
NordForsk is an organisation under the Nordic Council of Ministers that provides funding for and facilitates Nordic cooperation on research and research infrastructure. Nordic cooperation involves Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden as well as the three autonomous areas, the Faroe Islands, Greenland and the Åland Islands. Cooperation with the Nordic countries has been important to Estonia both historically and strategically. The national R&D&I strategy also envisages further strengthening of research cooperation with the Nordic countries. Since 2019, the Estonian Research Council has participated in the development of several joint programm in cooperation with NordForsk and other funding organizations.
Participation in NordForsk joint programmes
The Estonian Research Council participates in the financing of NordForsk joint programmes on the basis of a virtual common pot funding scheme, which means for the applicant that the Estonian research group is funded (only) by the Estonian Research Council according to its budget agreed with the participating partner organizations.
ETAG's total budget for various NordForsk calls has been 150,000–400,000 euros, which will be distributed among all projects involving Estonian researchers that have reached the top of the overall ranking and have been decided to fund in the programme. Nordic funding organizations participate in NordForsk calls based on either the common pot or the virtual common pot scheme.
Project consortia
Participation in NordForsk calls requires the formation of a consortium of research teams from at least three participating countries. At least 2 Nordic countries must be represented in the consortium.
Applications are submitted through the NordForsk Application Portal. The application is submitted by the project promoter, who can only be a research institution. The principal investigator of the project promoter must have a doctoral degree. As a rule, one principal investigator can submit only one application in one call for proposals.
All the necessary forms to attached to the application can be downloaded from the NordForsk portal. The application form must be completed in English. It can also be reviewed without logging in to the portal. The application must be accompanied by a letter of confirmation from each partner institution.
The assessment is organized by NordForsk. Applications are usually assessed by an evaluation panel of international experts. NordForsk will later provide feedback to all applicants in the form of individual reviews or a consensus evaluation report.
National eligibility criteria
- NEW! National Eligibility Criteria for grant applications in partnership calls for transnational research (for projects whose call is open from 1.03.2024)
- National Eligibility Criteria for grant applications in partnership calls for transnational research (for projects whose call is open from 1.03.2023)
- National Eligibility Criteria for grant applications in partnership calls for transnational research projects (for projects whose call was open 1.09.2022-1.03.2023)
- National Eligibility Criteria for grant applications in calls for transnational research projects (for projects whose call was open 1.09.2021-1.09.2022).
- National Eligibility Criteria for grant applications in calls for transnational research projects (for projects whose call was open before 1.09.2021)
Participation of Estonian Research Council in NordForsk joint programmes
- Sustainable health and social care systems for elderly, deadline: 20.02.2025
- ETAG news about opening of call - Sustainable Fisheries from Healthy Seas
- Call for proposals: the Nordic-Baltic Initiative for Migration and Integration Research (14 May 2024)
- Call for research proposals: Green Transition (5 December 2023)
- ETAG news about opening of call - Call for proposals for the programme Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change
- Nordic Health Data Research Projects on COVID-19
- The Nordic Research and Innovation Programme for Sustainable Aquaculture
- Research and Innovation Programme on Digitalisation of the Public Sector
Projects with Estonian partners funded through the NordForsk call for proposals
- Energy efficient and resilient food production system: using hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria to convert CO2 to protein (HERO-Protein), 2024-2028, TÜ, prof Kaspar Valgepea
- Green Hydrogen and Platform Chemicals from Agricultural Residues (AGRI-WASTE2H2), 2025-2028, TalTech, nooremprof Maksim Ošeka
- Nordic eHealth for Patients: Benchmaking and Developing for the Future (NORDeHEALTH) 2021-2023 – TalTech, Prof Peeter Ross
- Critical Understanding of Predictive Policing (CUPP) 2021-2023 – TalTech, Prof Anu Masso
- Digitalisation of livestock data to improve veterinary public health (DigiVet) 2021-2024 – Estonian University of Life Sciences, Prof Arvo Viltrop
- Mental morbidity trajectories in COVID-19 across risk populations of five nations (COVIDMENT) 2020-2022 – University of Tartu, Dr Kelli Lehto
- Sustainable aquaculture feed based on novel biomass from wood by-products (SAFE) 2020-2024 – TalTech, Prof Petri-Jaan Lahtvee
- Innovative sustainable Nordic-Baltic horticulture (InNoBaHort) 2023-2026 – Estonian University of Life Sciences, Prof Ulvi Moor
- Validating the Introduction of Kernza in the Nordic reGion (VIKING) 2023-2026 – Estonian University of Life Sciences, Dr Evelin Loit
- Climate-ready faba beans for the Nordic and Baltic Region (Fabanova) 2023-2026 – Estonian Crop Plant Institute (METK), Dr Ilmar Tamm