Discover Estonian folk culture and handicrafts in ERM

EURAXESS Estonia invites international researchers and their family members to discover together Estonian folk culture as well as learn Estonian traditional handicrafts at the Estonian National Museum (Eesti Rahva Muuseum or ERM). The whole day event will take place on the 23rd of November in Tartu. Registration to the event will be open until the 15th of November or until all 60 places are booked.

Join us and register today: find the registration form here!

Estonian National Museum — what is it?

ERM is an ethnologically and cultural-historically oriented museum that focuses on collecting, preserving and studying material concerned with the culture and history of Estonians, Estonian minorities and Finno-Ugric peoples and making it accessible. Additionally to its exhibitions and research activities, ERM offers various public activities: movie nights, musical events, and workshops on national handicrafts, traditional design and tools.

What will we do in the museum? We will visit several premises of ERM, incl. Raadi situated on the border between the city of Tartu and Tartu Rural Municipality, and Exhibition house in the city centre. The programme of the day will be following:

8:15 — researchers from Tallinn depart from the parking lot of National Library (Tõnismägi 2)

10:30 — researchers from Tartu depart from the lower parking lot of Vanemuine Theatre (on Ülikooli street)

11:00 — arrival of both groups to Raadi: coffee and welcome words from the research director of ERM

11:30 — guided excursion at Raadi: visiting exhibition, walk in the Raadi Manor Park, etc.

12:45 — leaving Raadi to the Exhibition House (Kuperjanovi 9)

13:00 — lunch (traditional Estonian food to be served)

14:00 — visiting permanent exhibition “Estonia: Land, People, Culture”

15:00 — four handicraft workshops start simultaneously: ribbons weaving, woodwork, wool-toy making and mask-making workshop. As a result of the workshop, each participant will get a self-made souvenir: a keychain, toy, mask or whatsoever. During the workshops, participants will be introduced to the customs and traditions of Estonia. It is possible to take part in several workshops.

17:00 — tea drinking, visiting museum’s shop, last-minute feedback

17:30 — bus departs to Tallinn

We kindly ask participants to make contribution of 5 EUR/person (participation for children under 7 is free of charge). Participation fee includes all expenses related to the activities, including transportation, lunch, etc. Fees to be transferred to the following bank account before the 15th of November:

 Beneficiary: Rahandusministeerium

Bank: SEB

Account No.: 102 200 276 902 21

Reference No.: 3500081005 (NB! Payments proceeded without this reference number cannot be tracked)

Details of payment: EURAXESS, 23.11.13 /your name and names of other people you are paying for/

In case of any trouble or for any clarifications please contact Anna Mossolova at