SekMo – Cross-Sectoral Mobility Measure

The Cross-Sectoral Mobility Measure is administered by the Riigi Tugiteenuste Keskus.

The support is granted through application rounds:

I Application Round (June 5, 2023, to October 31, 2024), with a budget of 6 million euros.

The application process is conducted through the

The guidelines on filling out the form can be found in Estonian here.

The total budget for the support measure is 29.5 million euros, of which approximately 20.5 million euros are provided by the European Union.


What is SekMo?

Cross-Sectoral Mobility Measure (SekMo) connects academic and non-academic sector. The aim of the support is to increase movement of employees, fostering knowledge transferand promoting collaboration between Estonian research and development institutions, universities, and the public and private sectors.

SekMo support allows for:

  1. Hiring a researcher in a company or public sector institution (to conduct applied research or experimental development projects).
  2. Transitioning a top specialist from a company or public sector institution to a university, applied higher education institution, or research institution (to conduct teaching, research, or innovation activities, technology transfer).
  3. Employing a knowledge transfer doctoral student in a company (the doctoral thesis is based on the employer’s activities).


1. Hiring a researcher in a company or public sector institution

Eligible Applicants:

Private sector: A legally registered private legal entity in the Estonian Business Register, non-profit associations, and foundations.
Public sector: A state or local government institution registered in the national register of state or local government institutions.

! Research and development institutions and technology development centers with a positive evaluation cannot apply for support.

The support allows for hiring a researcher who has:

  • A doctoral or master’s degree and five years of research and development work experience.
  • At the time of application, an employment contract (at least 0.5 full-time equivalent) in a positively evaluated research and development institution.

SekMo support is simple and flexible:

  • Ongoing application process (92% satisfaction with previous application rounds).
  • Minimal reporting requirements.
  • In one project, it is possible to involve up to two full-time positions (the workload of one researcher starting from 0.5 position).
  • The unit cost for a researcher’s labor is 4171 euros per month, with an additional 40% of the unit cost (up to 1668 euros per month) for covering other eligible expenses.
  • Self-financing starting from 30%.
  • Project duration from three months to two years.
  • Targeted at small, medium, and large enterprises.


2. Hiring a Top Specialist in Research and Development or Applied Higher Education

Who can apply for support?

  • University
  • Positively evaluated public research institution
  • Positively evaluated state research and development institution
  • Institutionally accredited state applied higher education institution

Support Enables Hiring a Top Specialist Who Meets at Least One of the Following Conditions:

  • Minimum of 5 years of research, development, or innovation work experience
  • Holds a leadership position in a company, is a member of the company’s management or board, etc.
  • Internationally recognized expert

SekMo Support is Simple and Flexible:

  • Ongoing application process (92% satisfaction with previous application rounds)
  • Minimal reporting requirements
  • Top specialist workload starting from 0.1 position
  • The unit cost for a top specialist’s labor is 4171 euros per month, with an additional 40% of the unit cost (up to 1668 euros per month) for covering other eligible expenses
  • Low self-financing requirement (at least 15%)
  • Project duration from three months to two years

3. Employing a Knowledge Transfer Doctoral Student in the Company

Eligible Applicants:

  • Private sector: A legally registered private legal entity in the Estonian Business Register, non-profit associations, and foundations (including positively evaluated private research institution and technology development center).
  • Public sector: A state or local government institution registered in the national register of state or local government institutions. ! Support cannot be applied for by positively evaluated state or public research institution or university.

Support Enables Hiring a Doctoral Student:

  • Enrolled in a doctoral program after January 1, 2022.
  • Whose doctoral thesis topic is related to the employer’s (applicant’s) activities.
  • Whose primary work involves research and development activities according to their individual study and research plan.

SekMo Support is Simple and Flexible:

  • Ongoing application process.
  • Minimal reporting requirements.
  • Doctoral student workload starting from 0.5 position.
  • The unit cost for a knowledge transfer doctoral student’s labor is 2651 euros per month, with an additional 40% of the unit cost (up to 1060 euros per month) for covering other eligible expenses.
  • Low self-financing requirement (at least 30%).
  • Project duration up to 72 months.
  • Targeted at small, medium, and large enterprises.



All projects must align with at least one smart specialization growth area topic in the TAIE development plan:

  • Digital solutions in all life domains.
  • Health technologies and services.
  • Valorization of local resources.
  • Smart and sustainable energy solutions. Learn more at:


Additional information:

Viktor Muuli
Senior Coordinator
5194 4452