The information and documents regarding the exceptional research funding call for target grant applications opening on 1 July 2020 can now be found on the website of the Estonian Research Council (ETAG).
Target grants are aimed at solving the problems caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
A total of 2.1 million euros is to be distributed to fund applied research and experimental development projects for developing the prototypes for innovative solutions, products, and services in five thematic areas:
- materials and surface treatment agents inhibiting the spread of the virus;
- new types of personal protective equipment;
- technological solutions for the reduction of virus particles in indoor air;
- technological solutions to reduce the workload on the health care sector;
- solutions based on data analysis to assess the spread of the virus and to predict the impact of the measures.
The thematic areas of the call have been defined by the Ministry of Education and Research, based on the outcomes of the idea collection on COVID-19 and its impact, which was organised by the Estonian Research Council. Both the researchers and research groups who participated in the idea collection as well as those who did not submit their idea, and have the capability to develop the outcomes of their previous research to the necessary level of applicability within a short period of time, are welcome to apply.
Andres Koppel, Director General of the Estonian Research Council, has noted that Estonian researchers have worked hard to counter the epidemic, but the fight against the virus as well as the mitigation of its consequences has not, unfortunately, come to an end. “The soon-to-open call for target grants is one among several measures aimed at supporting research and innovation activities, through which our researchers could both help to alleviate the crisis at hand as well as strengthen Estonia’s capacity to cope with the next epidemics. Organising such a specifically directed call is something we are doing for the first time. The preparations had to be made quickly and carrying out the call, as befits our time of crisis, is scheduled to take place quickly as well. We hope that researchers as well as the reviewers of the applications will understand that and we are looking forward to active participation, despite the extremely tight time schedule and the summer ahead,” said Koppel.
The applications can be submitted via the Estonian Research Information System ETIS from 1 July to 14 July.
The web-based information session regarding the call will be conducted in Estonian and will take place on 18 June at 15-17.
Considering the exceptional nature of the call and the objectives, the call has to be carried out quickly. In July and in August, the the technical details of the applications will be checked, suitable applications will be accepted, and the reviewing process will take place. The funding decisions should be made by mid-September at the latest. The projects which will receive funding have to begin this year and achieve the outcomes by the end of next year.
The funding for target grants will come from the supplementary state budget.
More detailed information regarding the call and the documents
Additional information:
Siret Rutiku
Head of the Department of Research Funding
+372 731 7381/+372 5342 0639