Information session on Marie Curie Individual Fellowships and Grants

4 June 2013 (from 11:00 to 13:00) at Dorpat Conference Centre Pirogov Hall, Tartu (Turu 2)

Presentation slides

Are you looking for ways to fund a stay with a foreign research group? The People programme, also known as the Marie Curie Fellowships, provides funding to individual researchers, allowing them to diversify and broaden their scientific knowledge and skills in a different country. Marie Curie Fellowships might be for you if you have a PhD degree (or will receive it before 16 August 2013) or at least 4 years of full-time equivalent research experience. Funding is provided for a period of 12 to 24 months, and covers both the salary of the researcher, as well as a contribution to research costs and overheads.
The last call for individual Marie Curie Fellowships of the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) will close on 16 August 2013.
Or perhaps you have started working in Estonia not earlier than on 18 September 2012, and would like to be integrated for a longer period? The Marie Curie Career Integration Grants provide funding for up to 4 years to help mobile researchers to attain lasting professional integration. The grant is a flat-rate contribution to the research costs of the researcher – the salary should come from a different source.
The last call for Marie Curie Career Integration Grants of the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) will close on 18 September 2013.
Estonian Research Council – National Contact Point for the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) – will organise an information session specifically for foreign researchers working in Estonia on 4 June,  explaining  the possibilities and participation modalities of the Marie Curie fellowships and grants. The information session will last for 2 hours, from 11:00 to 13:00, followed by informal discussion and coffee, and a possibility to discuss in detail your project application. 
The information session will be held in English. Participation is free of charge.


Additional information:
Kristin Kraav
NCP for Marie Curie Actions
Estonian Research Council
Phone: +372 730 0337
Skype: kristinkraav