For Lithuanian call, 79 applications were submitted. Please find the list of applications here
The applications are spread out between the challenges in numbers as follows:
1.Technologies and innovation development (33)
2. Cyber security (5)
3. Preventive and personalized medicine (14)
4. Culture, migration and inclusive society (20)
5. Economic, social challenges and innovative society (1)
However, 2 applications didn’t pass the eligibility check – one for the reason that partner institution didn’t meet the project partner requirements (LT08-2-LMT-K-01-076) and another one (LT08-2-LMT-K-01 -026) because of the conflict of interest.
The overview of applications is available here
Applications will be assessed by the evaluation panels composed of international experts. The results will be announced in September. The 3-years projects are planned to start in January 2021. The total budget of the call is 10 million euros.
Third call of the Baltic Research Programme (Latvia)
The opening of the third call of the Baltic Research Programme administrated by Latvia, has been postponed. Currently, Latvians are going to launch the call in August.
Katrin Piller
Koordinaator / Coordinator
Välisteaduskoostöö osakond / International Research Cooperation Department
Eesti Teadusagentuur / Estonian Research Council
Soola 8, Tartu 51004, ESTONIA
Tel +372 731 7382, Mob +372 529 3236