Structure of the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship (PF) application. Ethics, Open science, gender aspects in research. CV. (series of webinars)
The Estonian Research Council (ETAG) will organise a series of on-line events about the 2022 Call for Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA)...
Deadline for the NordForsk call for the programme Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change
The programme for Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change is now issuing a call for proposals for research projects. The call covers four...
“Excellence” chapter of the MSCA PF application (series of webinars)
The Estonian Research Council (ETAG) will organise a series of on-line events about the 2022 Call for Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA)...
Impact” chapter of the MSCA PF application (series of webinars)
The Estonian Research Council (ETAG) will organise a series of on-line events about the 2022 Call for Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA)...
“Implementation” chapter of the MSCA PF application (series of webinars)
The Estonian Research Council (ETAG) will organise a series of on-line events about the 2022 Call for Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA)...
Evaluators’ view on MSCA PF applications. Evaluators of MSCA PF proposals share their experience (series of webinars)
The Estonian Research Council (ETAG) will organise a series of on-line events about the 2022 Call for Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA)...
National infoseminar to introduce the new call topics of Horizon Europe Partnership „Circular Bio-based Europe (CBE JU)
Horizon Europe partnership Circular Bio-based Europe (CBE JU) will soon announce their first call. The Estonian Research Council, together with the Ministry...
ETAG at sTARTUp Day 2022
Come and find us at various events! We support the young business enthusiasts, discover new ways for food valorisation, build...
Deadline for the National Contest for Uni. Students 2022
The aim of the national contest for university students is to promote research among university students, stimulate them to be more active and to...
Deadline for the Estonian Science Communication Award
The aim of the Estonian Science Communication Award is to acknowledge and draw attention to individuals who promote science in...
European Research Council Synergy grant information session in Baltic States
The Estonian Research Council, the Latvian Council of Science and the Research Council of Lithuania are inviting you to join...
Webinar on the call for European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grants 2023
Estonian Research Council organised a webinar on the call for European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grants 2023. A webinar was in...