Horizon 2020 and the COST project preparation assistance and the Baltic bonus

Preparation assistance is designed to recognize and stimulate in Estonia the quality of the projects H2020 and COST to apply for funding, and to promote cooperation between the three Baltic States. The amount of aid shall be determined as follows:

Consortium coordinators: 4 000 €
Support for individual projects: 2 400 €
Baltic bonus: 1 000 €

The precondition for this is that the H2020 project proposal of the requesting authority exceeds a threshold for H2020 projects estimated by the Commission’s expert committee, or COST threshold 45 points (ERC grant application must reach the second round of evaluation).

Baltic bonus can be claimed by the consortium coordinator, whose H2020 project participates also partners from Latvia or Lithuania. The application for project preparation assistance can submit a maximum of six months after crossing the threshold.

Free-form application contains the following information:

  • requesting authority;
  • project executor’s name;
  • contacts;
  • bank details;
  • project acronym and registration number;
  • form of participation in the project (coordinator or individual);
  • whether it is claimed the Baltic bonus;
  • whether it is H2020 or COST project.

The application signed by the head of the requesting authority must be submitted electronically (digitally signed) to e-mail address etag@etag.ee

