Grant holders (postdoctors)

Grant nr/No Järeldoktor/   Postdoctor Partner-
asutus/ Partner institution
Juhendaja/   Supervisor Valdkond/
Research field
Projekti pealkiri/
Project title
1 MJD1 Vincent Perrier Tõnu Meidla LT, KE Biodiversity   changes across the Ordovician and Silurian environmental crises
2 MJD2 Katja   Gehenn TTÜ Peep   Palumaa KE New   MS-based approaches for studies of conformation and aggregation of   amyloidogenic peptides
3 MJD3 Hugo   Reinert TLÜ Hannes   Palang ÜK Sacred   Others in a Changing Landscape – Environmental Change and Animal Practice in   the Norwegian Arctic
4 MJD4 Triin   Reitalu TTÜ Siim   Veski KE,   LT Unraveling   the history of plant diversity patterns by means of pollen analyses: an   interdisciplinary approach
5 MJD5 Athanasios   Giannitsis TTÜ Mart   Min LT Development   of a Microfluidic lab-on-chip for bioimpedance measurements on droplet-based   bioreactors
6 MJD7 Sandra   Zetterström Fernaeus TLÜ Tiit   Land KE Studies   of the neurotoxic mechanisms of mutated versions of APP related to Familial   Alzheimer’s Disease
7 MJD10 Anna   Volkova TTÜ Andres   Siirde LT Small-scale   cogeneration plants in Estonian towns
8 MJD12 Mats Hansen Ursel Soomets KE Design and   mitochondrial transport of novel antioxidant molecules
9 MJD14 Astrid   Kännaste EMÜ Ülo   Niinemets KE Plant   defense reaction triggered by abiotic and chemical stressors
10 MJD17 Andres   Marandi TTÜ Rein   Vaikmäe LT Geochemical   evolution of groundwater in Cambrian-Vendian aquifer system in Estonia
11 MJD18 Ulrike   Rohn Halliki   Harro-Loit ÜK Economic   and cultural implications of Social Network Sites – A case study of Estonia   and Germany
12 MJD22 Toomas Kirt Talis   Bachmann LT Computational   Modelling of the Binding Problem
13 MJD23 Mart Anton TTÜ Maarja   Kruusmaa LT Mechanical   design and locomotion of an underwater vehicle
14 MJD25 Matthieu Chillaud Eiki   Berg ÜK Controlling   Frontiers and Mapping the field of European ‘Freedom, Justice and Security’
15 MJD28 Sonia   Sousa TLÜ Peeter   Normak ÜK Activity   patterns in informal virtual learning communities
16 MJD30 Hena   Ramay TTÜ Marko   Vendelin KE Systematic   examination of arrhythmogenic calcium release in cardiac myocytes
17 MJD31 Eve   Avel TLÜ Margus   Pensa KE,   LT Testate   amoebae and water-table level fluctuation in NE-Estonian bogs
18 MJD32 Bulent   Cavas Miia   Rannikmäe ÜK Modelling   Teacher Needs for Competence and Confidence in conducting Inquiry Based   Science Activities
19 MJD34 Minkee Kim Miia   Rannikmäe ÜK How   industrial site visits influence students’ career aspiration in S&T,   scientific literacy, and relevance of science education: A structural   equation model of the ew aims of science education
20 MJD35 Michal Cagalinec Allen   Kaasik TU Mitochondrial   Dynamics in Models of Neurodegenerative Diseases
21 MJD37 Tiina   Kirsipuu TTÜ Peep   Palumaa KE High-throughput   screening of inhibitors of Aβ peptide aggregation
22 MJD38 Satish   Narayana Srirama Eero   Vainikko LT Scientific   Computing on the Cloud
23 MJD39 Yanina   Timasheva Maris   Laan KE Genetic   variation in human growth hormone / chorionic somatomammotropin genes and   susceptibility to cardiovascular disease
24 MJD42 Janis   Zakis TTÜ Juhan   Laugis; Dmitri Vinnikov LT Research   and Development of Bi-Directional Power Converters for Energy Storage   Applications
25 MJD43 Ringa   Raudla TTÜ Wolfgang   Johannes Max Drechsler ÜK Evolution   of Fiscal Governance Institutions in Estonia from 1994 to 2009
26 MJD44 Rene   Mõttus Ian   J. Deary TU Predictors   and mechanisms of successful cognitive ageing
27 MJD47 Jodi   Price Meelis   Pärtel KE The   generality of assembly rules in herbaceous vegetation: a macroecological   approach
28 MJD48 Liisi   Keedus Vello   Andres Pettai ÜK The   Making of the Scientific Imagination: Debates on American Political Science,   1945-1965
29 MJD51 Anu   Kisand TTÜ Atko   Heinsalu KE Application   of sediment pore water fluorescence index in paleolimnological studies of a   large shallow lake
30 MJD52 Andi   Hektor KBFI Alexandre   Nikitenko LT Data   mining in the CMS experiment at CERN
31 MJD53 Meelis   Kadaja Elaine   Fuchs KE Deciphering   the mechanisms governing stem cell maintenance in skin
32 MJD54 Chong-Geng   Ma Mikhail   Brik LT Ab   initio and semi-empirical modelling of optical properties of materials doped   with rare-earth and transition metal ions
33 MJD56 Malgorzata   E. Arlet Raivo   Mänd KE Socio-ecological   determinants of demographic rates in a group-living, free-ranging primate
34 MJD57 Jaana   Salujõe TTÜ Siim   Veski KE Do   cladoceran remains in lake sediment record climate and environmental change?
35 MJD60 Maria   Mälksoo Andres   Ilmar Kasekamp ÜK The   Power Politics of Memory in Eastern Europe: Securitising the Legacy of   Communism in the Baltic states, Poland, Ukraine, and Russia
36 MJD62 Letizia   Tedesco TTÜ Urmas   Raudsepp KE The   role and contribution of sea ice biogeochemistry to the Baltic Sea ecosystem   state: a modelling study
37 MJD64 Dana-Maria   Copolovici Ülo   Langel KE Design,   Synthesis and Applications of New Chimeric CPPs for Intracellular Delivery of   Nucleic Acids and Drugs
38 MJD65 Mukesh   Chandra KBFI  Raivo Stern LT Magnetic   studies on doped dielectric oxides (ZrO2 and TiO2) for spintronic   applications
39 MJD67 Angela   Ivask KBFI Kenneth   A. Bradley KE,   TU High   throughput bacterial screening for the characterization of toxicity of   nanosized particles and materials
40 MJD70 Terje   Loogus Peeter   Torop ÜK Translatability   of culture – an integrated semiotic-functional approach
41 MJD71 Lili   Milani Andres   Metspalu KE In-depth   genetic and epigenetic analysis of the cytochrome P450 system by   next-generation sequencing
42 MJD72 Merilin   Miljan Helle   Metslang ÜK Case-marking   in Estonian: rethinking case-marking
43 MJD77 Mikko   Leinonen Daniel   Cohnitz ÜK Rudolf   Carnap’s logical and ontological pluralism – a case study
44 MJD80 Jaanus   Karo TTÜ Marko   Vendelin KE The   theoretical study of mitochondrial energetic metabolism
45 MJD84 Igor   Pilshchikov TLÜ Rein   Raud ÜK Juri   Lotman’s Structural Methods and Semiotics of Culture on a Global Scale: Their   Historical Background, International Context and Recent Developments
46 MJD93 Margit   Kõiv Yves   Comeau KE Treatment   of fish farm sludge using sludge drying reed beds and phosphorus removal from   percolate using reactive filter media
47 MJD94 Kajar   Köster EMÜ Jukka   Pumpanen KE Carbon   turnover on disturbed areas
48 MJD96 Anastassia   Zabrodskaja Martin   Ehala ÜK Transfer   of morphosyntactic patterns in the Estonian-Russian contact setting
49 MJD99 Gemma   Atkinson Tanel   Tenson KE Origin   and functional evolution of ribosome-associated environmental response   enzymes
50 MJD103 Liisa   Metsamaa Samuel   Purkis KE Develop   remote sensing tools for a monitoring and spatial planning of shallow coastal   water environments
51 MJD104 Annekatrin   Kaivapalu TLÜ Scott   Jarvis ÜK Symmetry   of the cross-linguistic influence in the acquisition of closely related   languages
52 MJD105 Anu   Ploom TTÜ Margus   Lopp LT Structure-reactivity   relationships in reactions at atoms of the third period elements
53 MJD107 Hendrik   Voll TTÜ Graig   Spolek LT,   KE Investigation   of Grey Water Irrigation and Energy Demand for Greenroofs
54 MJD108 Katre   Talviste Jüri   Talvet ÜK Translations   of French Poetry into Estonian: their Creation and Functions in the Context   of Estonian Literature
55 MJD110 Kristjan   Tabri TTÜ Tiit   Koppel LT,   KE Coupled   approach for numerical modelling of accidents in maritime transportation
56 MJD111 Francesco   Orsi Margit   Sutrop ÜK Understanding   Normative Cognition: Autonomy, Unity and Generality
57 MJD113 Tsipe   Aavik Regula   Billeter KE Assessing   the effectiveness of connectivity measures on gene flow and genetic diversity   of wildflowers in agricultural landscapes – a landscape genetic approach
58 MJD115 Eve   Kaurilind Jaakko   Kangasjärvi KE Regulatory   mechanisms of plant abiotic stress responses
59 MJD120 Vinay   Choubey Allen   Kaasik TU Multiple   Roles Of Alpha-Synuclein In Origin of Mitochondrial Dysfunction And Neuronal   Death
60 MJD121 Marina   Toompuu TTÜ Erkki   Truve KE Studies   on function of human RNase L inhibitor (RLI)
61 MJD122 Lea   Hallik EMÜ Ülo   Niinemets KE Influence   of multiple co-occurring environmental stresses and the combination of   structural and physiological traits on plant response to light availability
62 MJD129 Jaak   Tomberg KIRMUS Virve   Sarapik ÜK On   the Contemporary Convergence of Realism and Science Fiction
63 MJD134 Triin   Hallap EMÜ Ülle   Jaakma TU Effect   of colloid formulation Androcoll-B on bull semen survival and quality
64 MJD135 Lorenzo   Pecoraro EMÜ Tiiu   Kull KE Mycorrhizal   strategies in green orchids: diversity and functional aspects
65 MJD140 Kristjan   Kannike KBFI Riccardo   Barbieri LT Properties   of Dark Matter
66 MJD144 Lauri   Peil Juri   Rappsilber KE,   LT Ribosome   dynamics analysed by advanced mass spectrometry
67 MJD146 Jakub   Novak Rein   Ahas ÜK,   KE Individual   daily mobility and transforming spatial structure of post-socialist   metropolitan regions
68 MJD147 Toomas   Silla Mathijs   Voorhoeve KE New   Mutations in Old Genes: Discovering Cancer-Related Variations in Non-Coding   Ultra-Conserved Genes
69 MJD161 Triinu   Remmel EMÜ Ülo   Niinemets KE Trade-offs   in plant defense against herbivores
70 MJD164 Mithu   Guha Pärt   Peterson TU What   Regulates the Autoimmune Regulator?
71 MJD166 Eduard   Aleksanyan Marco   Kirm LT Development   of novel scintillators based on thin nanocrystalline films
72 MJD167 Alexandr   Popov Ilmo   Sildos LT Rare-earth   ions doped nanoparticles for fluorescent medical diagnostics
73 MJD173 Helen   Tammert Lise   Øvreås KE The   distribution and biodiversity of Flavobacterium genus in the salinity   gradient and different productivity regions
74 MJD198 Nasir   Sohail Valdis   Laan LT Study   of the flatness (homological) properties of S-posets in connection with the   amalgamation of partially ordered monoids
75 MJD201 Alar   Just TTÜ Birgit   Östman LT Structural   fire performance of timber structures
76 MJD213 Naidu   Revathi TTÜ Olga   Volobujeva LT Cu2ZnSn(SSe)4   thin films for solar cells
77 MJD219 Sergey   Omelkov Marco   Kirm LT Electronic   excitations and their dynamics in functional fluoride and oxide based   materials
78 MJD228 Fernando   Rodriguez-Castaneda Mart   Ustav TU Identification   of the mammalian chromatin host factor involved in the segregation of the   human papillomavirus genome
79 MJD235 Sheila   Gamut Oyao Miia   Rannikmäe ÜK Promoting   multi-faceted approach to teaching and assessment for interdisciplinary   science education incorporating cross-curricular topics
80 MJD236 Katrin   Kepp Sonia   Davila KE,   TU Analysis   of genetic variation in p65 binding sites in a rheumatoid arthritis cohort of   European descent
81 MJD239 Vimala   Huchaiah Raivo   Uibo LT Development   of research and diagnostic toolsa for ZNT8, a new autoantigenic target in   type I diabetes
82 MJD241 Giuseppe   Buono Tõnu   Meidla LT Paleoecological   and Isotopic investigation on the Ordovician-Silurian of Estonia: a key to   understand the dynamic of ecosystems
83 MJD242 Imre   Mäger Matthew   Wood KE Targeted   exosomes for the delivery of splice-switching oligonucleotides (SSOs) to   muscle and brain
84 MJD247 Reyna   María Pérez Tiscareño Mati   Abel LT On   Gelfand Mazur algebras
85 MJD252 Elin   Org Aldons   J Lusis TU The   role of TMAO in cardiovascular diseases
86 MJD257 Arvo   Tullus Anu   Sõber KE Growth   dynamics of deciduous trees under changing climatic conditions: physiological   causes and implications for forest management
87 MJD258 Virve   Sõber Satu   Ramula KE The   role of floral herbivores in plant-pollinator interactions: a population   level approach
88 MJD259 Pauli   Heikkilä Olaf   Mertelsmann ÜK Foreign   policy of exile Estonians, 1944-1972
89 MJD262 Juha   Matti Linnanto Arvi   Freiberg LT Time   Evolution of Electronic Excitation in Photosynthetic Complexes
90 MJD266 Alla   Piirsoo Protobios OÜ Kaia   Palm TU Study   on mechanisms of chemotactic migration and differentiation potency of adipose   derived mesenchymal stem-like cells
91 MJD270 Irina   Nikolkina TTÜ Tarmo   Soomere LT,   KE Statistics   of extreme wave conditions and events for Estonian coastal waters
92 MJD272 Elmo   Tempel KBFI Martti   Raidal LT Dark   Matter search using astrophysical sources
93 MJD280 Diana   Santalova Tõnu   Kollo LT Multivariate   regression models in application for transport flows analysis and forecasting
94 MJD284 Tõnis   Org Hanna   Mikkola TU Mechanisms   of Scl/Tal1 dependent gene activation and repression during mesoderm   diversification
95 MJD285 Merit   Nigol TTÜ Rein   Kuusik LT Reuse   of power plant ashes: development of continuous processes for abatement of   emissions of acidic gases (SO2 and CO2) and PCC production
96 MJD298 Antonio   Racioppi KBFI Martti   Raidal LT Stückelberg   Z’ and scalar dark matter
97 MJD305 Qiaoying   Zhang Kristjan   Zobel KE The   adaptive value of kin recognition in herbaceous plant communities with   contrasting species richness
98 MJD309 Andis   Kalvans Tiit   Hang LT Studies   of the dynamics of SE sector of last Scandinavian Ice Sheet by image analysis   approach applied in relief analysis
99 MJD310 Luis   Estrada-Gonzalez Daniel   Cohnitz ÜK Logical   pluralism: Agreement, disagreement, and the possibility of communication
100 MJD320 Nele   Muttik Horton   Newsom LT Mineralogical   and isotopic evidence for the nature of the aqueous and hydrothermal   processes affecting the martian meteorites: Insight for early environments on   Mars
101 MJD321 Karin   Kogermann Tanel   Tenson KE Effects   of macrolide antibiotics on bacterial physiology- cell filamentation
102 MJD322 Josep   Soler-Carbonell Martin   Ehala ÜK The   role and perception of English as a ‘global’ language in academic research   and higher education. Questions, policies and effects for “medium-sized”   language communities
103 MJD323 Triin   Vahisalu Hannes   Kollist KE Molecular   mechanisms of plant guard cell regulation in response to ozone
104 MJD327 Charly   France Alexandre Mayeux Peeter   Burk LT Alkali   metal ion affinities in the gas phase
105 MJD334 Maris   Berzins Tiit   Tammaru ÜK Domains   of Interethnic Contact in Latvia
106 MJD338 Jana   Temelova Tiit   Tammaru ÜK,   KE Social   aspects of neighbourhood change in pre-1989 city space: The Case of Estonian   and Czech Cities
107 MJD340 Evely   Leetma Tom   Lyche LT Smoothing   problems
108 MJD341 Mari   Palgi TTÜ Tõnis   Timmusk TU,   KE Molecular   studies of bHLH transcription factor daughterless and its mammalian homologue   TCF4 in Drosophila
109 MJD347 Lars   Fredrik Stöcker TLÜ Karsten   Brüggemann ÜK A   gradual transition: Perestroika, opposition, secession and transformation in   Estonia in the light of the border-crossing elite networks from the mid-1980s   to the early 1990s
110 MJD362 Larissa   Kus TLÜ Raivo   Vetik ÜK The   impact of power reversal, social changes, and division between ethnic groups   on intergroup relations and subjective well-being
111 MJD376 Jaanis   Juhanson Sara   Hallin KE Spatial   patterns of denitrifying microorganisms for improved mitigation strategies   for nitrous oxide emissions from arable land
112 MJD387 Luca   Marzola Stefan   Groote LT Exploring   new Physics through Astro-Particle Physics
113 MJD391 Oleksandr   Husev TTÜ Dmitri   Vinnikov LT Research,   design and implementation of qZS-derived DC/DC and multilevel DC/AC   converters
114 MJD398 Anna   Katarzyna Jasinska Arne   Sellin KE Structure-function   relationships of the water transport pathway of deciduous trees in light of   global climate change: Effects of increasing atmospheric humidity
115 MJD407 Petra   Tonarová TTÜ Olle   Hints KE,   LT Diversification   and biogeography of Silurian jawed polychaetes
116 MJD409 Martins   Kaprans Eva-Clarita   Pettai ÜK Stability   and dynamics of post-communist remembering: memory politics and agency in   Eastern Europe
117 MJD428 Kuno   Kooser Edwin   Kukk LT Vacuum-ultraviolet   spectroscopy for homogeneous molecular clusters and mixed biomolecule-solvent   clusters
118 MJD433 Larissa   Roots Timon   Rabczuk LT Multiscale   Methods for Fracture
119 MJD435 Christian   Spethmann KBFI Emidio   Gabrielli LT Researching   physics within and beyond the Standard Model
120 MJD437 Alexandr   Svetlicinii TTÜ Tanel   Kerikmäe ÜK Transplantation   of the EU competition rules and standards in a small market economy: case of   Estonia from regional, EU and international perspective
121 MJD438 Tiina   Tosens EMÜ Ülo   Niinemets KE Towards   better understanding of mesophyll conductance: the third major player in the   process of photosynthesis
122 MJD447 Oleg   Janson KBFI Alexander   Tsirlin LT Microscopic   modeling of magnetic materials using DFT+U and hybrid functionals
123 MJD450 Aet   Annist TLÜ Hannes   Palang ÜK Mapping   the migratory careers of transnational Estonians
124 MJD455 Julija   Gusca TTÜ Andres   Siirde LT Integrated   Assessment Analysis of Greenhouse Gases Emissions of Estonian Energy   Production Sector
125 MJD457 Helin   Räägel Marino   Zerial TU Identification   of the role and function of polarity-generating and actin-modulating proteins   in the formation of the peculiar hepatocytic polarity
126 MJD458 Uwe   Sperling Valter   Lang ÜK Research   in metalwork of Bronze Age Estonia – archaeometric and experimental methods   applied
127 MJD459 Sebastian   Fiedler TLÜ David   Ribeiro Lamas ÜK The   development and re-instrumentation of learning activity in the context of   creative work: potentials for systemic intervention into educational practise


Research fields
KE Environment and biosciences
ÜK Culture and society
TU Health
LT Natural Sciences and Engineering
Partner   Institutions
University of Tartu
TTÜ Tallinn University of Technology
TLÜ Tallinn University
EMÜ Estonian University of Life Sciences
KBFI National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics
KIRMUS Estonian Literary Museum