RITA – Support for sectoral R&D

EU_Regional-Development-Fund_horizontalRITA is a programme supported by the European Regional Development Fund that aims to increase the role of the state in the strategic managing of research and the capabilities of R&D institutions in carrying out socially relevant research. In the framework of the programme, the Estonian Research Council (ETAG) funds socio-economical applied research based on the needs of the state.

Research funded from the RITA programme:

  • Support for strategic R&D activities – implementation of socio-economical interdisciplinary applied research needed by the Estonian state.
  • Support for knowledge-based policy formulation – cofunding of the Ministries’ applied research to address topical issues that require speedy intervention, with the supported research being prompted by preparations for a specific intervention (regulation, measure or the like). The Ministries cofund applied research up to 50%.

Furthermore, RITA supports:

  • Scientific adviser positions at the Ministries and the Government Office. Support for scientific adviser positions aims to improve the Ministries’ capabilities on R&D issues. Every Ministry and Government Office is entitled to apply for reimbursement from ETAG for the costs related to the position of a scientific councellor.
  • Monitoring of Estonian research, development and innovation policy (R&D&I). RITA supports the performance of analyses and studies of the implementation of the R&D&I strategy in order to monitor the achievement of the objectives of the said policy and provide recommendations on the formulation of new policies. Analyses and research are carried out by Tallinn University, the University of Tartu, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonian Academy of Sciences and ETAG.
  • Development of the Estonian Research Portal (ETIS). RITA supports the development of new modules and the further development of the existing ones in ETIS, the creation of new interfaces and services and the improvement of linkage with other information systems of ETIS.

Detailed conditions for the provision of support are set out in Directive No. 1.1-2/17/15 of the Minister of Education and Research of 27 January 2017, ‘Strengthening of sectoral R&D (RITA)’, approval of the conditions for the provision of support.


Liina Eek
RITA Programme Manager
+372 7 317 383
+372 5300 1912