Contact at the Estonian Research Council
Margit Suuroja
ERA-NETs as funding instruments
ERA-NETs, or ’European Research Area Networks’, are R&D funding agencies’ partnerships. Their main objective is to implement joint transnational calls for research project proposals. Also, they often co-ordinate work on wider research in their thematic areas, for example, by designing strategic research plans, databases, principles of sectoral research ethics, etc.
ERA-NETs have been operating in the European Union since the 6th EU Framework. In the Horizon 2020 program (2014-2020), the ERA-NET instrument is called ’ERA-NET Cofund’. This refers to co-financing by the European Commission, which is complementary to the contribution of the partners in the network, and can be used to organize each ERA-NET Cofund’s first joint competition. Apart from joint calls that are co-financed by the European Commission, ERA-NETs often organise additional competition calls without EC co-financing.
The Estonian Research Council has participated in ERA-NETs since their inception in 2002. Over the years, the most popular ERA-NET competitions calls among Estonian applicants have been organized by HERA, NORFACE, ERA.Net RUS Plus, TRANSCAN, BiodivERsA. From 2017 to 2022, ETAG can use EU structural fund means through Mobilitas Plus (in case of competitions joint calls without EC co-financing) in addition to the national budget funds (in case of calls co-financed by the EC).
For the researcher, participation in an ERA-NET call requires the establishment of an international consortium. A joint project with a duration of up to three years must normally include teams from at least three countries from among the particular call’s funding countries. As a rule, each national funder funds applicants in their own country, while the funders’ consortium as a whole is responsible for organizing the competition and assessing applications (each joint call has its own joint secretariat consisting of one or several institutions participating in the network). Reporting on projects that have received funding is also normally done at different levels: while the scientific report about the project as a whole is submitted at the level of the ERA-NET consortium, each national funder requests specific reports about the respective partner. As the requirements for each country and funding body may vary, applicants must carefully follow the terms and conditions of their funding body.
Estonian eligibility criteria
- NEW! National Eligibility Criteria for grant applications in partnership calls for transnational research
- National Eligibility Criteria for grant applications in partnership calls for transnational research projects (2023)
- National Eligibility Criteria for grant applications in partnership calls for transnational research projects (for projects whose call was open 1.09.2022-1.03.2023)
- National Eligibility Criteria for grant applications in calls for transnational research projects (for projects whose call was open 1.09.2021-1.09.2022).
- National Eligibility Criteria for grant applications in calls for transnational research projects (for projects whose call was open before 1.09.2021)
- National Eligibility Criteria for Estonian Applicants Requesting Funding from Mobilitas Pluss Programme
- More about ERA-NETs as funding instruments:
ETAG’s participation in ERA-NETs and partnerships (March 2023)
- AquaticPollutants – pollutants and pathogens in the water resources (NCP: Margit Suuroja)
- Biodiversa+ – biodiversity and its impact on politics and society (NCP: Margit Suuroja)
- BiodivRestore - conservation and restoration of degraded ecosystems and their biodiversity, including a focus on aquatic systems (NCP: Margit Suuroja)
- BiodivScen – BiodivERsA ja Belmont Forum: development of biodiversity scenarios (NCP: Margit Suuroja)
- BiodivClim - biodiversity and climate change (NCP: Margit Suuroja)
- Blue Bioeconomy - food security and safety driving innovation; use of marine biological resources through development and application of biotechnology (NCP: Katrin Saar)
- CET – Clean Energy Transition (NCP: Maria Habicht)
- CHANSE – social and cultural dynamics in the digital age, HERA and NORFACE'i cooperation programme (NCP: Carmen Kivistik)
- CHIST-ERA – future and emerging information and communication technologies (NCP: Margit Suuroja)
- DUT – Driving Urban Transitions to a Sustainable Future (NCP: Priit Kilgas)
- ENUTC – urban transformation capacities (NCP: Priit Kilgas)
- ERA-MIN – raw materials for the sustainable development and the circular economy (NCP: Margit Suuroja)
- ERA PerMed – personalised medicine (NCP-s: Margit Suuroja)
- ERA.Net Rus Plus – cooperation of Russian and European researchers (NCP-s: Margit Suuroja and Maarja Adojaan)
- EuroHPC JU European high performance computing joint undertaking (NCP: Rebekka Vedina, Priit Tamm)
- FLAG-ERA – future and emerging technologies flagships (FET Flagships) (NCP: Margit Suuroja)
- GENDER-NET Plus – gender equality (NCP: Katrin Kello)
- HERA – humanities (NCP: Katrin Kello)
- ICT-AGRI – ICT and robotics as a supporter of sustainable agriculture (NCP: Margit Suuroja)
- JPIAMR-ACTION – new treatments, solutions and methods to tackle antimicrobic resistance (NCP: Argo Soon)
- KDT JU Key Digital Technologies Joint Undertaking (NCP:Rebekka Vedina)
- M-ERA.Net – materials and battery technologies (NCP: Margit Suuroja)
- NEURON – brain diseases (NCP: Argo Soon)
- NordForsk – Nordic researech cooperation (NCPs: Katrin Piller, Katrin Saar)
- NORFACE – social and behavioural sciences (NCP: Katrin Kello)
- QuantERA – quantum technologies (NCP: Margit Suuroja)
- SusCrop – sustainable crop production (NCP: Katrin Saar)
- THCS – European Partnership on transforming health and care systems) (NCPs: Margit Suuroja, Argo Soon)
- TRANSCAN – cancer research (NCP: Argo Soon)
- WaterWorks – sustainable water systems (NCP: Margit Suuroja)
- Water4All – water security for the Planet (NCP: Katrin Saar)