2020 (5. call for applications)
2019 (4. call for applications)
Postdoctoral researcher
Supervisor |
Name of the project
Grant amount
University of Tartu
Francesca Arnavas |
Marina Grišakova |
‘Unnatural’ Fairy Tales: A Cognitive Approach |
85 499,92€ |
Gemma Carreras Badosa |
Ana Rebane |
Optimization of cell-penetrating peptide based method to deliver microRNA mimics into dendritic cells and target skin inflammation in vivo |
14 166,64€ |
Ausra Baradoke |
Indrek Must |
Gridionics: biomimetic ion-modulated interfaces for soft robotics |
90 499,84€ |
Niloufar Hagh Doust |
Leho Tedersoo |
Context dependency of forest soil microbial feedback to climate change along soil fertility gradients in temperate forests of Estonia |
90 499,84€ |
Catherine Helen Gibson |
Irina Paert |
Seeing Through Numbers: Counting and Mapping Religious Communities in the Baltic Provinces, 1840-1914 |
85 499,92€ |
Somayyeh Kheir Jou |
Ivo Leito |
Design and synthesis of macrocyclic molecular receptors for carboxylate anion binding |
90 499,84€ |
Glen Kelp |
Väino Sammelselg |
Dielectric metasurfaces for gas sensing |
90 499,84€ |
Kärt Paiste |
Kalle Kirsimäe |
High resolution investigation of sulfur isotope variability in co-existing pyrite and organic sulfur: discerning environmental information from organic-rich metasediments |
84 999,84€ |
Sara Paydar |
Gunnar Nurk |
Optimization of chemical composition and porosity of novel Ln0.2Sr0.7-xCaxTi0.3Fe0.7O3-δ (Ln = La, Nd) based fuel electrode for reversible solid oxide cell |
90 499,84€ |
Helena Sork |
Reet Kurg |
The discovery of novel biomarkers for non-invasive diagnostics of melanoma |
84 999,84€ |
Jorge Gigante Valcarcel |
Laur Järv |
New insights and prospects for observing the dynamical effects of a space-time torsion in strongly magnetized neutron stars and black holes |
85 499,92€ |
Ji-Zhong Wan |
Meelis Pärtel |
Time-delayed effects of forest availability on observed and dark diversity of tree species: comparison across different temporal and spatial scales |
85 499,92€ |
Tallinn University |
John Allen Buchanan |
Karin Dean |
Strongmen in Southeast Asia: Opium, Coercion and Local State Formation |
85 499,92€ |
Alessandro Rippa |
Karin Dean |
Road biographies: Colonialism, insurgency and development along the China-Myanmar borderlands |
85 499,92€ |
Katrin Vanessa Schwanitz |
Allan Puur |
Transitions to Adulthood in the Context of the Great Recession in Europe |
79 999,92€ |
Tallinn University of Technology |
Mariia Antipchik |
Vitali Sõritski |
Biosensor for early diagnostics of Hepatitis C |
84 999,84€ |
Simona Bartkova |
Ott Scheler |
Elucidating the heavy metal-induced hetero- and collateral resistance in bacteria to antibiotics at the single-cell genomic, transcriptomic and phenotypic levels |
90 499,84€ |
Henrik Pieper |
Anna Volkova |
Optimal dimensioning and annual operation of district cooling systems in cold climates with existing district heating |
43 333,29€ |
National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics (KBFI) |
Sandeep Bhowmik |
Mario Kadastik |
Searching Higgs particle and developing trigger algorithm in the CMS detector at LHC, CERN Switzerland |
84 999,84€ |
Alla Khosrovyan |
Anne Kahru |
Assessment of hazard of UV weathered microplastics in aquatic environment (UV-PLASTOX) |
84 999,84€ |
Estonian Academy of Arts |
Margaret Tali |
Virve Sarapik |
Remembering Difficult Knowledge in the Baltic Visual culture |
79 999,92€ |
Dermtest OÜ |
Christian Koop |
Külli Kingo |
Teledermatology in practice – evaluating the diagnostic and management accuracy of teledermatology applied in Estonian health system |
85 499,92€ |
2018 (3. call for applications)
Documents of the open call 2018:
Guidelines for grant application 2018
Evaluation guidelines 2018
Example application form 2018
Mobilitas Pluss postdoctoral researchers 2018:
Postdoctoral researcher |
Supervisor |
Name of the project |
Grant amount |
Estonian University of Life Sciences |
Kristina Noreikienė |
Anti Vasemägi |
Habitat-dependent variation in sensory organs and the brain in perch |
84 999,84 € |
Giacomo Puglielli |
Lauri Laanisto |
Global patterns of intraspecific abiotic stress tolerance in woody species |
85 499,92 € |
Pawel Mirski |
Ülo Väli |
The use of wildlife movement data to reveal hotspots of biodiversity in agricultural landscape |
90 499,84 € |
Tharaka Rama Krishna Chowdary Doddapaneni |
Timo Kikas |
Integrated torrefaction/microbial conversion: An approach to produce biofuels and bio-chemicals from lignocellulosic biomasssic biomass |
90 499,84 € |
National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics (KBFI) |
Alexandros Karam |
Martti Raidal |
Dynamically induced Planck, dark matter, neutrino and electroweak mass scales |
85 499,92 € |
Valeriy Verchenko |
Raivo Stern |
Unconventional superconductivity in the Mo_nGa_(5n+1) intermetallics |
90 499,84 € |
Tallinn University |
Philipp Dominik Keidl |
Indrek Ibrus |
Transmedia and Historiography: Archives, Metadata, Power |
28 833,31 € |
Anna Maria Ozimek |
Ulrike Rohn |
Investigating working conditions in the Estonian video game industry |
62 166,61 € |
Tallinn University of Technology |
Ishaya Peni Gambo |
Kuldar Taveter |
Conflict Resolution in Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering for Socio-Technical Systems |
Asya Ivanova Drenkova-Tuhtan |
Maarja Kruusmaa |
EMPHASIS (Estimation of Magnetic Particle HydrodynAmic StabIlity through Sensing) |
76 333,20 € |
University of Tartu |
Radwa El Shawi |
Jaak Vilo |
Towards Usable Machine Learning for Efficient Predictive Analytics in the Healthcare Domain |
90 499,84 € |
Alin Olteanu |
Timo Maran |
Towards a joint environmental and digital literacy: An ecosemiotic approach to digitalization |
85 499,92 € |
Toon Staes |
Marina Grišakova |
Complex Plots: Narrative Representations of Complexity |
85 499,92 € |
Ali Ghiami-Shomami |
Ivo Leito |
Computational design of novel matrix compounds for MALDI-MS |
85 499,92 € |
James Stephen Pearson |
Margit Sutrop |
Disagreement and the Bounds of Multiculturalism: A Critique of Political Exclusion |
85 499,92 € |
Kaidi Lõo |
Pärtel Lippus |
Morphology in speech |
90 499,84 € |
Daniel Kaasik |
Lauri Mälksoo |
Forest Harvesting in International Law: The Case of Estonia |
85 499,92 € |
Sebastian Bahamonde Beltran |
Manuel Hohmann |
Energy conditions and singularities in the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity |
85 499,92 € |
Sabina Träger |
Tsipe Aavik |
The effect of landscape configuration on the functional connectivity of Primula veris – a landscape genomic approach |
84 999,84 € |
Triumf Research OÜ |
Kadri Haljas |
Kirsti Akkermann |
Reducing psychological problems in chronically ill children through digital health intervention |
90 499,84 € |
2017 (2. call for applications)
Documents of the open call 2017:
Guidelines for grant application 2017
Evaluation guidelines 2017
Example application form 2017
Mobilitas Pluss postdoctoral researchers 2017:
Postdoctoral researcher |
Supervisor |
Name of the project |
Grant amount |
Estonian Academy of Arts |
Regina-Nino Mion |
Virve Sarapik |
Image or Sign: A Phenomenological Study of Pictorial Representation |
63 420 € |
Estonian University of Life Sciences |
Raymond Ward |
Tiiu Kull |
Assessment of carbon storage and sequestration rates within the Estonian coastal zone |
75 800 € |
National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics (KBFI) |
Tommi Tapani Markkanen |
Martti Raidal |
Cosmological impacts of the electroweak vacuum instability |
69 920 € |
Tanmoy Chakrabarty |
Raivo Stern |
Novel electronic states of low-dimensional and magnetically frustrated systems |
75 800 € |
University of Tallinn |
Teet Teinemaa |
Eva Näripea, Indrek Ibrus |
Post-Soviet Neoliberalism in Contemporary Estonian Cinema |
69 920 € |
Gustavs Strenga |
Marek Tamm |
Economy of symbolic exchange. Gift-giving as a social, cultural and political practice in the late medieval Livonia |
69 920 € |
Aija Lulle |
Raivo Vetik |
Affective migratory nationalism among recent Eastern European migrants in Europe |
69 920 € |
Tallinn University of Technology |
Souhaib Oueslati |
Maarja Grossberg |
Optoelectronic studies of Cu2ZnSn(SSe)4 monograin layer solar cells |
69 300 € |
Rocio Rojas Hernandez |
Irina Hussainova |
Development of novel core-shell structured luminescent materials |
75 800 € |
University of Tartu |
Aurele Toussaint |
Meelis Pärtel |
Macroecology of functional diversity: comparison of taxonomic groups |
69 300 € |
Justin Michael Zylstra |
Bruno Mölder |
Essence and Metaphysical Disagreement |
69 920 € |
Eldho Kuppamala Puthenpurayil Thomas |
Vitaly Skachek |
Study of Novel Codes for Problems in Distributed Systems |
63 420 € |
Martin Mölder |
Vello Andres Pettai |
Perceptual Spaces of Party Politics: An Inductive Study of European Party Systems |
69 920 € |
Alexander Kmoch |
Ülo Mander |
Enhancing data fusion, parallelisation for hydrological modelling and estimating sensitivity to spatial parameterization of SWAT to model nitrogen and phosphorus runoff at local and global scale |
75 800 € |
Alison Ruth Kolosova |
Art Leete |
Inculturation and indigenous Orthodoxy: The cultural impact of Orthodox missionary work on the Finno-Ugrian peoples of the Volga-Kama region 1870-1920 |
69 920 € |
John Clarke |
Toomas Tammaru |
250 million years of size and shape evolution in fishes: testing the role of biological and environmental factors in generating morphological diversity |
69 920 € |
Hanna Ilona Eerika Mäkelä |
Marina Grišakova |
Imagining the Inner Journey: Conversion and its Discontents in Film Narratives from the 1960’s to the 2010’s |
69 920 € |
Ashutosh Kumar Pandey |
Hannes Kollist |
Ozone sensitive mutants for studying signalling in guard cells |
75 800 € |
Dhanaji Pandit Bhopate |
Asko Uri |
Construction of protein binding-responsive photoluminescent carbon nanoparticles for cell and tissue imaging |
41 150 € |
Oscar Castro Garcia |
Timo Maran |
Biosemiotic approach to enactive minimal cognition |
75 800 € |
2016 (1. call for applications)
Documents of the open call 2016:
Guidelines for grant application 2016
Evaluation guidelines 2016
Example application form 2016
Mobilitas Pluss postdoctoral researchers 2016:
Postdoctoral researcher |
Supervisor |
Name of the project |
Grant amount |
Estonian Literary Museum
1. Saša Babič |
Piret Voolaid |
Tradition and Innovation: Short forms of folklore and contemporary cultural dialogues |
69 920 € |
Estonian University of Life Sciences
2. Fabio Ercoli |
Tiina Nõges |
Allochthonous organic matter and invasive species effects on lake food webs under climate change scenarios |
75 800 € |
National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics (KBFI)
3. Charlie Stark |
Tõnis Pehk |
Femtosecond multi-photon spectroscopy of transition metal complexes |
75 800 € |
4. Jasper Adamson |
Aleksander Rebane |
Large Functional Resorcinarene Macrocycles |
69 300 € |
University of Tallinn
5. Christian Ritter |
Indrek Ibrus |
Embracing virtual travel and gamification: the digital tourism industry in Tallinn |
69 920 € |
6. Uku Lember |
Karsten Brüggemann |
Queer life-world in late Soviet Estonia (1960-80s) |
69 920 € |
Tallinn University of Technology
7. Yan Liang |
Olle Hints |
The emergence of chitinozoans on Baltica: diversification, biostratigraphy and biogeographic links during the Early and Middle Ordovician |
75 800 € |
8. Sofiya Aydinyan |
Irina Hussainova |
Combustion synthesized new materials for the additive manufacturing |
75 800 € |
9. Serhii Stepenko |
Dmitri Vinnikov |
Research, Design and Implementation of Novel Power Quality Enhancement Techniques for Distributed Generation Systems |
75 800 € |
10. Tara Ghasempouri |
Jaan Raik |
Verification assertion mining and qualification methods for improving functional safety in computing systems |
69 920 € |
University of Tartu
11. Lorena Simon Gracia |
Tambet Teesalu |
Polymeric nanoparticles for glioblastoma treatment |
69 300 € |
12. Sten Hansson |
Triin Vihalemm |
(Mis)communicating power: A framework for analysing modern government communication |
69 300 € |
13. Maili Jakobson |
Sulev Kõks |
Identification and characterization of WFS1 interactome: molecular insights into the Wolfram syndrome-associated diabetes and neurodegeneration |
75 800 € |
14. Silja-Riin Voolma |
Jüri Allik |
Reducing Estonian youth alcohol and tobacco consumption through health technology |
69 920 € |
15. Carlos Perez Carmona |
Meelis Pärtel |
Functional completeness of ecological communities: an integrated probabilistic framework linked to ecosystem stability |
75 800 € |
16. Gemma Carreras-Badosa |
Ana Rebane |
Formulation of cell-penetrating peptide-based microRNA nanoparticles to target dendritic cells and inflammation |
75 800 € |
17. Karin Sigrid Linnea Johansson |
Hannes Kollist |
Genetic regulation of plant–atmosphere interactions |
75 800 € |
18. Kiran Liversage |
Jonne Kotta |
Ecosystem shifts during escalating species invasions: an experimental synthesis of Baltic Sea dynamics |
75 800 € |
19. Anu Hynninen |
Kalle Kirsimäe |
Deciphering biotic and abiotic processes in weathering: influence of microbial interactions |
75 800 € |
20. Kaur Alasoo |
Leopold Parts |
Predicting the consequences of rare noncoding genetic variation |
75 800€ |
21. Filip Jaroš |
Timo Maran |
Social behavior of animals in a cognitive and environmental context: a biosemiotic perspective |
40 852,50€ |