In the framework of the TeaMe programme (science communication programme TeaMe) contracts have been concluded for the compilation of study materials for selective courses to six secondary schools specialised in the fields of exact and natural sciences and technology. Each set of study materials for selective courses consists of a textbook, a collection of worksheets and an e-course supplementing the textbook, a teacher’s textbook, and other necessary additional materials. The study materials shall be put to trial in Estonian schools from the autumn of 2011 to the winter of 2012 and shall be completed by May 2013.
Courses and study material sets:
- Natural sciences, technology, society.
- Mechatronics and robotics.
- Use of computer in research.
- The basics of creating and programming apps.
- Geoinformatics.
- The elements of economical mathematics.
- Drawing.
- Chemistry of life.
With respect to the study material sets required for teaching the selective courses, we consider important that modern and attractive study methods be used on a secondary school level and that 50% of course time be dedicated to learning practical skills.
All study materials are to become freely available to teachers via the Internet and we shall also order printed versions.