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Balti NCPde kohtumine/The Baltic NCP Event

28. mai 2019 - 29. mai 2019



V-Spa Conference Center, Riia 2, Tartu, Estonia

Registration is closed!

NB! Please book the hotel  by 14.05.2019 via e-mail (info@vspahotel.ee ) or phone (+372 677 6677 ), for special price use the password: The Baltic NCP Event (superior  – 75 €/per night; delux  – 90 €/per night)



18.30 Gathering at the V-Spa hotel
19.00 Little walk and dinner (Cafe Rabarber)

9.00 Registration. Coffee/Tea
9.15 – 9.30 Welcome (Andres Koppel)
9.30 – 10.15 Introductions
(Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia)
– Informal and interactive – use ice breakers, etc.
10.15 – 12.30 Partnerships in Horizon Europe
– Presentation about partnerships in Horizon Europe (Ülle Napa)
– Presentations from all three countries 
– Discussion

Baltic Research Programme (Katrin Piller) 

12.30 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 15.00 Presentations from each country and discussion. Daily NCP work, attraction and motivation of researchers:

  • on individual/institutional level (tools, events, proofreading, ideas development, partner search)
  • on national level – additional financing, prizes, legal framework;
  • possible formats for info days or workshops used by the NCPs

15.00 – 17.00 NCP structure in Horizon Europe – interactive discussion and group work. Which changes are needed in the NCP systems in each country to comply with the structure of Horizon Europe?

18.10 Gathering at the V-Spa hotel (18.15 bus to the dinner at Alatskivi Castle, trip back to Tartu starts about 21.45)

The Baltic NCP meeting 2019, Estonain Research Council (Maarja Adojaan)
Partnerships in Horizon Europe. LT position  (Dr. Zita Duchovskienė)
Baltic Research Programme (Katrin Piller)
Presentation about partnerships in Horizon Europe (Ülle Napa)
Daily NCP Work (Laura Bužinska)
NCP activities in Lithuania
National support for H2020 applicants in Lithuania
Estonian NCP system
Latvian NCP system
Lithuanian NCP system


Täpsem info

28. mai 2019
29. mai 2019