- Üritus on toimunud.
Balti teaduskoostöö programmi programmikomitee hindamiskoosolek
14. august 2019 - 15. august 2019
EEA Grants Programme EE-Research
Baltic Research Programme
Meeting of the Programme Committee
14 August 2019 at 9:00-17:00
15 August 2019 at 9:00-16:00
Venue: Room Põhja-Euroopa, Hestia Hotel Europa, Paadi 5, Tallinn, https://www.hestiahotels.com/europa/en/
2019/01 Welcome and introduction Chair: Prof. Andres Merits
2019/02 Adoption of agenda
2019/03 Overview of the proposals submitted in the first call
2019/04 Expert opinions given for the critical applications (due to interdisciplinary, lack of experts, etc)
Role of the Programme Committee: to give scientific opinion
2019/05 Presentation of ranking lists
- TOP 20 based on applications’ two stronger reviews
- TOP 20 based on applications’ consensus reports
- TOP 20 application based on research fields
Role of the Programme Committee: to conduct the final evaluation of top projects according to the assessment criteria
2019/06 Final ranking, making a reserve list
2019/07 Next steps and timeline
- Short overview of challenges for the second and third call (Dmitrijs Stepanovs, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Science, Director of the Higher Education and Science and Innovation Department;
Irmantas Pečiūra, Research Council of Lithuania)
2019/08 Other questions
End of meeting
Lunch at approx. 12:00 and coffee breaks during the morning and the afternoon sessions on both days.
14 August 2019
18:45 Leaving to the dinner (within walking distance, 600 m). Meeting point: Hestia Hotel Europa lobby
19:00-21:00 Dinner at Restaurant Platz
Roseni 7, Tallinn
+372 56 959 552
Katrin Piller +372 529 3236, katrin.piller@etag.ee
Pille Pikker +372 513 9148, pille.pikker@hm.ee