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European Green Deal Call webinar

2. september 2020

Estonian Research Council is in cooperation with European Commission and with the Permanent Representation of Estonia to the EU organising a brief webinar to introduce the opportunities of the European Green Deal call. 

The Horizon 2020 Green Deal call – design and policy background (Sven Schade, Unit A.3 Horizon Strategic Planning & Programming, Directorate General for Research and Innovation, European Commission)

Roheleppega seotud olulised teemad Eesti jaoks / Why Green Deal is important for Estonia? (Ivo Krustok, Counsellor for Environment, Permanent Represent. of Estonia to the EU)

Kuidas Teadusagentuuri konsultandid teid taotlemisel aidata saavad? / NCPs and NCP services related to Green Deal call (Ülle Napa, Head of Office, Estonian Liaison Office for EU RTD, Estonian Research Council)

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2. september 2020