- Üritus on toimunud.
Balti teaduskoostöö programmi ava- ja partnerlusüritus
25. oktoober 2018, 09:30 - 17:00
9:30 Registration and welcome coffee
10:00-10:30 Opening Adresses
– Mr Mikk Kasesalk, Deputy Secretary General, Ministry of Education and Research
– Mr Andres Koppel, Director General, Estonian Research Council
– H.E. Ms Cecilie Willoch, Norwegian Ambassador in Estonia
10:30-11:00 Baltic Research Programme’s implementation in Estonia
Ms Pille Pikker, Chief Expert, Ministry of Education and Research
11:00-11:30 Expectations for the first call launched under the Baltic Research Programme
Prof Martin Eisemann, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Member of the Programme Committee of BRP
11:30-12:00 Overview of the EEA/Norway Grants and a strategic basis of the Baltic Research Programme
Ms Birgit Jacobsen, Senior Adviser, Research Council of Norway
12:00-12:30 Experiences from the Norwegian-Estonian Research Programme: Presentation 1
Dr Rein Drenkhan, Estonian University of Life-Sciences, Project leader of the project “DNA-based early detection and diagnostics of alien invasive forest pathogens and tracing of their introduction pathways into northern Europe” funded by the Norwegian-Estonian Research Cooperation Programme (EMP 162)
12:30-13:00 Experiences from the Norwegian-Estonian Research Programme: Presentation 2
Prof Tõnis Timmusk, TalTech, Project leader of the project “Activity-dependent regulation of BDNF and Arc: master genes in synaptic plasticity” funded by the Norwegian-Estonian Research Cooperation Programme (EMP 128)
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-17:00 Matchmaking afternoon for researchers
Coffee/tea/water is provided during the matchmaking event.
Ms Katrin Piller, Estonian Research Council, katrin.piller@etag.ee