- Üritus on toimunud.
Teadmistepõhise poliitikakujundamise projekti lõpukonverents “Teel targema poliitika poole?”
6. detsember 2024, 10:30 - 17:00
▼ English below ▼
Teadmistepõhise poliitikakujundamise projekti lõpukonverents “Teel targema poliitika poole?” toimub 6. detsembril Tallinnas.
Vaata konverentsi otseülekannet ETAGi YouTube kanalist.
Konverentsil tutvustatakse kaks aastat väldanud projekti “Teadmistepõhine poliitikakujundamine ja avaliku sektori juhtimise võimekuse kasvatamine” tulemusi ning esitletakse lõpparuandes välja toodud olulisemaid poliitikasoovitusi. Arutelus keskendume sellele, kuidas Eestis teadmistepõhist poliitikakujundamist edasi arendada.
Üritusel astuvad üles oma ala eksperdid Anu Noorma (Eesti Teadusagentuuri juhatuse esimees), Karin Jaanson (Eesti Teadusagentuuri tegevjuht), Lorenzo Melchor (Hispaania Riigikantselei nõunik), Maarja Kruusmaa (akadeemik, Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli professor) ja paljud teised. Üritust modereerib Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia teadur Marju Raju.
Projekti rahastas DG Reform ning seda viisid läbi Euroopa Teadusuuringute Ühiskeskus (JRC) ning Majanduskoostöö ja Arengu Organisatsioon (OECD) koostöös Eesti ekspertidega. Eestipoolsed partnerid olid Eesti Teadusagentuur, Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium ning Riigikantselei. Projektile aitasid kaasa ligikaudu 100 Eesti valitsusasutuste, akadeemilise kogukonna ning mõttekodade esindajat.
Konverents toimub Park Inn by Radisson Meriton Conference & Spa Hotel Tallinn konverentsikeskuses (Toompuiestee 27 / Paldiski mnt 4, 10149 Tallinn). Ettekanded esitatakse nii eesti kui ka inglise keeles, arutelud toimuvad eesti keeles.
▼ ENG ▼
The closing conference for the Evidence-Informed Policymaking Project, titled “Towards Smarter Politics?” will be held in Tallinn on 6 December.
Watch the live stream of the conference on ETAG’s youtube channel.
The conference will unveil the results of the two-year initiative, “Building Capacity for Evidence-Informed Policymaking in Governance and Public Administration in Post-Pandemic Europe” and will present key policy recommendations derived from the final report. Our discussions will centre on the advancement of evidence-informed policymaking in Estonia, focusing on practical and impactful strategies.
The event will feature presentations by experts and top researchers in their fields: Anu Noorma (Director General of the Estonian Research Council), Karin Jaanson (Executive Director of the Estonian Research Council), Lorenzo Melchor (La Moncloa Senior Adviser), Maarja Kruusmaa (Academician, Tallinn University of Technology Professor) and many others. The event will be moderated by Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre Research Fellow Marju Raju.
This project was funded by DG Reform and realized through collaboration between the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), alongside Estonian partners from the Estonian Research Council, the Ministry of Education and Research, and the Government Office. Additionally, over 100 distinguished representatives from the Estonian government, academia, and think tanks contributed to the project.
The conference will be held at the Park Inn by Radisson Meriton Conference & Spa Hotel Tallinn (Toompuiestee 27 / Paldiski mnt 4, 10149 Tallinn). Presentations will be held in both Estonian and English, with discussions conducted exclusively in Estonian.
Päevakava/Conference agenda:
10:30 | Registration (coffee) |
11:00- 11:25
· Agnieszka Gadzina-Kolodziejska, European Commission, Joint Research Centre · Kjartan Björnsson, Head of Unit Governance and Public Administration, European Commission, DG REFORM · Anu Noorma, Director General, ETAG |
11:25-11:55 | Presentation of the project’s recommendations and Q&A (Benjamin Klasche, member of the project expert group) |
11:55-12:45 | International practices
· Strategic reflections on TSI project and future directions of strengthening EIPM in Europe (Agnieszka Gadzina-Kolodziesjka, Deputy Head of Unit, Joint Research Centre, European Commission ) · Spain: Creating a strong center of government function to steer EIPM processes and polices (Spanish Government Office for Science Advice, Lorenzo Melchor) |
12:45-13:45 | Lunch |
13:45-14:30 | High-level panel discussion (moderated by Andres Koppel)
· Karin Jaanson, Executive Director, ETAG · Katrin Kiisler, Head of R&D policy department, HTM · Keit Kasemets, Secretary General, KLIM · Maarja Kruusmaa, Professor and former member of group of Chief Science Advisors to the European Commission, TalTech · Laura Kirss, Science advisor, Government office |
14:30-15:30 | Session on project implementation
· Presentation of joined implementation plan of beneficiary organisations (Liina Eek, ETAG) · Implementation discussion with main stakeholders (Moderator: Tiina Randma-Liiv, member of the project expert group) including at least: o Laura Kirss, Science advisor, Government office o Katrin Kiisler, Head of R&D policy department, HTM o Marko Piirsoo, Head of strategic analysis department, ETAG o Külliki Tafel-Viia, Science advisor, MKM o Tiit Land, Rector, TalTech |
15:30- 15:45 | Wrap up and conclusion
· Agnieszka Gadzina-Kolodziejska, European Commission, Joint Research Centre · Stephane Jacobsen, Senior Lead Expert, Directorate for Public Governance, OECD |
15:45-17:00 | Reception |
Liina Eek
Teaduspoliitika valdkonna juht
Eesti Teadusagentuur
5300 1912
For additional information, please feel free to contact:
Liina Eek
Head of Science Policy
Estonian Research Council
+372 5300 1912